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The '''Knights Radiant''', were an organization of ten[[Surgebinding|Surgebinders]] consecratedon [[Roshar]]. Their Orders, possiblywere centered at [[Urithiru]], onbut they lived all across [[RosharAlethela]], the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] who had to maintain the arts of war. They considered it their duty and privilege to stay vigilant for [[Desolation|Desolations]].{{ref|b|twok|c|49}} It is commonly believed that they betrayed mankind on the [[Day of Recreance]], and were then referred to as the '''Lost Radiants'''. Their symbol was golden hourglass shape, of eight spheres connected with two at the center.
[[File:Knights Radiant and the 10 Surges.jpg|thumb|250px|Symbols of the Ten Radiant order and their Surges]]
The Knights Radiant comprised of ten different Orders, some of which had several hundred members. They lived and recruited across [[Alethela]], the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] who had to maintain the arts of war. The radiants share a bond with [[spren]], who are related to their powers. Each Order had two [[Surgebinding|Surges]] associated with it, and each Surge was used by two different Orders. Scholars associated the ten Orders with the [[Ten Essences]] as well.
The Knights Radiant used [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]]s, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Among the Orders were [[Windrunner]]s, [[Stoneward]]s, and Dustbringers. Two of the Orders shared the power of [[Soulcasting]], from the Surge of Transformation{{cite}}.
:Among the orders their Powers included, the ability to ride the storms, walk on walls, Regrowth (heal), make stone melt and said to move great distances in a single heartbeat, command the sunlight (according to [[Teft]]).{{cite}}
;=== [[Order of Windrunners]] ===
:AnThe order1st Order of RadiantsKnights whoRadiant usedwith twothe primaryability typesto ofbind [[Surgebinding|Surges]], manipulating gravity and atmospheric pressure. The combination of these two Surges resulted in three separate powers which were known as the [[Lashing|Three Lashings]]. The glow of their Shardplate was blue.{{ref|b|twok|prologue}}
;=== [[Order of StonewardsSkybreakers]] ===
;[[:The 2nd Order of Skybreakers]]Knights Radiant.{{ref|17s|3189|text=But the Skybreakers are right there}}
:The glow of their Shardplate was amber. With the combination of topaz and heliodor fixed in metal, one could regrow flesh and bone. The combination was called a Regrowth; however, this may be a kind of [[fabrial]] and not a power of the Order.
=== [[Order of Dustbringers]] ===
;[[Order of Lightweavers]]{{ref|[http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/02/the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed Release announcement from Tor]}}
:The 3rd Order of Knights Radiant. They could apparently burn things.{{ref|b|twok|prelude}}
:This order surely has to do with [[Lightweaving]], a magic system shared on both [[Roshar]] and [[Yolen]]. They perhaps deal with illusions.
=== [[Order of Lightweavers]] ===
;[[Order of Skybreakers]]{{ref|17s|3189|text=But the Skybreakers are right there}}
;[[:The 6th Order of LightweaversKnights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] light and transformation. They could create illusions and had the inherent ability to [[Soulcast]].{{ref|[http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/02/the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed Release announcement from Tor]}}
:They shared one of the Surges with the order of Windrunners.
;=== [[Order of DustbringersStonewards]] ===
:The 9th Order of Knights Radiant.
:Could apparently burn things, mostly combustible items, though occasionally rock.
:The art of changing one substance to another was a radiant power, that were used by two Orders. A Soulcaster is both the person who Soulcasts and the [[fabrial]] that replicates its effect. The ability was derived from using [[stormlight]] trapped in gemstones to transform one thing into one of the [[Ten Essences]], depending on what gemstone was used.{{ref|b|twok|c|3}}
== Ideals ==
