Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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! The following text is a collection of the information about the Alethi military !
During the True Desolation, warfare began to change. There are far fewer large scale formations, those are far to easy to disrupt. Instead men spend their time in protected warcamps, occasionally making a sudden surge to claim ground and shove away the enemy. During this time battles changed from decisive engagements to several month long fights.{{book ref|sa4|43}} The Alethi quickly adapted to warfare against the [[Fused]] and [[Regal]]s. When there is an abundance of Shanay-Im the humans lock their shields together into a canopy, protecting from lances and spears, aside from that the humans have learned to use water to render the stormforms power unusable.{{book ref|sa4|42}} The old campaign conundrums: did one choose the best position to weather storms, or did one seize the high ground. Most men choose the former.{{book ref|sa1|22}} The Alethi army adapted to the [[listener]] strategies by increasing the flexibility of their armies, making them able to respond quickly to the uncanny way the listeners fought. Soldiers can pay their brightlord’s scribes to send a message via spanreed, although this is considered extremely expensive, with even a terse note costing roughly a week’s wages for a common spearman, which translates to about forty clearmarks. Army surgeons: the apprentices are almost all men who have some incapacitation, preventing them from fighting.
== Military ==
Middle is heavy infantry, then to the sides mobile, lightly armoured but fast, archer units is new tactics. Infantry will try to reach the sides but the heavy infantry will beat their central block.{{book ref|sa3|26}} Some officers take their children with them to war, although never to the battlefield. Instead they usually stay at the town that serves as the army’s long-term command post.{{book ref|sa3|52}} In recent years the Alethi also began to make use of smaller more mobile teams, which have their own tactics.{{book ref|sa3|66}} Men rotate in and out of the front lines, for every five minutes you're fighting, you have as many minutes resting.{{book ref|sa4|49}}
Sieges are rare in Alethkar, and often last only a short time. This is due to soulcasters, which make it almost impossible to starve a city out. Instead, the Alethi break down the walls quickly, seize the high ground to pound the city for a while or simply attack, attempting to scale and conquer the walls.{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa3|11}} A general also has to make a difficult decision, widely regarded as a conundrum, does he choose the best position to weather storms, or does he seize the high ground. Most generals choose the former.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
==== Shardbearer tactics ====
The Alethi have also become adept at countering Shards. They have learned that the best way is to send another Shardbearer against them.{{book ref|sa1|24}} By leveling the playing field in this way, the overwhelming power of a Shardbearer is negated and victory is left to the most skilled of the fighters.{{book ref|sa2|54}} Aside from that, they use heavy weapons such as war hammers and axes in an attempt to shatter the plate.{{book ref|sa1|56}} The most common tactic employed by the Alethi is to simply drown a Shardbearer in enemies.{{book ref|sa2|85}} There are also soldiers trained specifically to deal with Shardbearers. They utilize ropes and hooks to try to unbalance or trip the shardbearer, though this isn't always successful as shardplates are extremely heavy.{{book ref|sa2|81}} Some Alethi Fortifications are built to withstand Shardbearers. These fortifications are built with narrow corridors to prevent a bulky Shardbearer from maneuvering.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== Planning and army movement ====
After centuries of warfare the Alethi have become adept at effectively moving their armies around. While highstorms are a problem, good planning prevents an army from needing to be out during one, except in some rare cases, in which case the army will search for a lait to set up camp.{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa1|4}} If a campaign takes longer then anticipated, the army can split and retreat back to a number of close towns for shelter.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Due to highstorms, the Weeping is a common time for military campaigns.{{book ref|sa2|79}}
==== Bridge Crews ====
When the sound of battle is loud enough, a squadleader may decide to give his commands by banging his spear against his shield in a certain rhythm, with particular rhythms meaning particular commands.{{book ref|sa1|47}} Some troops, like a lighteyes’ personal guard, are trained to recognise certain arm gestures, which mean certain commands, such as to retreat.{{book ref|sa1|13}}{{book ref|sa1|28}}
==== Planning and army movement ====
After centuries of warfare the Alethi have become adept at effectively moving their armies around. While highstorms are a problem, good planning prevents an army from needing to be out during one, except in some rare cases, in which case the army will search for a lait to set up camp.{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa1|4}} If a campaign takes longer then anticipated, the army can split and retreat back to a number of close towns for shelter.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Due to highstorms, the Weeping is a common time for military campaigns.{{book ref|sa2|79}}
==== Soulcasters and supplies ====
