Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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*[[Final Empire]]
- War and Dueling -
The Vedens use drums to communicate on the battlefield.{{book ref|Sa4|100}} They squabble and fight amongst themselves as much as the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
- Marriage -
Generally, marriages are arranged by the parents of the couple, or if the subjects are old enough, by themselves.{{book ref|sa2|45}} If the family has many daughters, the women may court and decide on a suitor themself, but if this is not the case, a marriage will be arranged.{{book ref|sa2|45}} It is a custom to buy gifts for family members of the couple, with boys often getting weapons and women jewelry.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
- propriety-
The Vedens generally follow Vorin propriety. Vedens are louder then the Alethi.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
- Holidays -
One of the most important Veden holidays is the [[Middlefest Fair]].
- Trade -
Many things are traded through and in Northgrip. From there merchants bring goods to the rest of the country.{{book ref|sa2|19}} Like in other Vorin countries, aside from Lighteyes, only darkeyes of the first and second [[Nahn]] can become merchants.{{book ref|sa2|45}} Lighteyes engage in trade deals with each other, hoping to get favour with higher Dahn lighteyes. Raw shum is worth about 10 clearmarks a bag. A lord who wishes to make use of the roads for trade needs to pay for the patrols and maintenance of those roads. This money is given back to the villages where the materials are harvested or made.{{book ref|sa2|45}} As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon [[Spheres|glass spheres with cut polestones in their center]], known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} The Veden people cultivate [[shum]] and [[Breachtree]], which they make into textiles.{{book ref|sa2|45}} A floral due is made on the Veden slopes, this dye is traded heavily.{{book ref|sa3|i|8}} Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Alethkar for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}} Daughters are expected to help with the family finances.{{book ref|sa2|39}} In the rural areas of [[Jah Keved]], chulls are harnessed and controlled with complex leather bridles.{{file ref|Chull.jpg|Shallan's Sketchbook: Chulls}}
=== The Market ===
Alethkar has some form of open market,{{book ref|sa4|18}} though the amount of openness in the economy, that is the amount of government regulation in the market, is unclear.
- Religion -
Alethkar is one of the five great [[Vorin]] Kingdoms, with vast majority of their populace worshipping the [[Almighty]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} The worship is mostly carried out by the priests, called the [[ardent]]s. The ardents, while influential, are not free -- rather, they are slaves to various [[lighteyes]]. Unlike most other professions, ardentia is open to both men and women, and to people from all social castes.{{book ref|sa2|11}} Ardents are considered genderless from a social standpoint, and as such, many of the Vorin taboos regarding gender and gender roles do not apply to them.{{book ref|sa2|44}} They are also the only people permitted to use [[Soulcaster]]s.
Unlike other varieties of Vorinism, the Alethi are not required to be personally devout, or to perform religious ceremonies. While each citizen is supposed to pick their [[Calling]] and Glory -- their goal in life, and the aspect of the Almighty they wish to emulate{{book ref|sa1|18}} -- the actual religious part of the religion is handled by the ardents, who perform the requisite rituals and prayers for their masters, so as to reassure them of their righteousness.{{book ref|sa3|89}} The Alethi themselves rarely interact with the Almighty, save for an occassional glyphward or prayer.{{book ref|sa3|15}}
! The following part is a rework of the Jah Keved page !
==== Flora and Fauna ====
Jah Keved contains a wide variety of animals and plants. Common species include [[axehound]]s and [[chull]]s, both of which are domesticated.{{book ref|sa2|61}}{{book ref|sa2|45}} There are also many species of [[cremling]]s and small [[sarpenthyn]].{{book ref|sa2|27}}{{book ref|sa2|55}} There are even animals that are able to change colors.{{book ref|sa1|i|2}} Aside from that, there is a relatively large number of horses in Jah Keved, although these are extremely expensive.{{book ref|sa2|77}} MuchLand ofwith Jaha Kevedhigh elevation is often overgrown, especially with vines, so much so that it is hard to walk without tripping. Going into a wooded area often requires a machete. There are also many rockbuds, a number of which have blossoms and vibrant green vines.{{book ref|sa2|54}} The [[jella]] tree is a common species, and [[shalebark]] grows on nearly everything.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
=== Notable Locations ===
Years later, shortly before the arrival of the True Desolation, the Veden king, [[Hanavanar]], along with a number of highprinces, was assassinated on {{Rosharan date|1173|9|1|4}} by [[Szeth]].{{book ref|sa1|i|9}} This plunged the country into a chaotic civil war, with at least seven different factions hoping to claim Vedenar and crown their leader king.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} The situation was further worsened by the presence of the [[Unmade]] [[Nergaoul]], known better as the Thrill, leading Veden soldiers to fight with unprecedented degree of drive and brutality.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
The civil war lasted for a few months, with the final confrontation being the battle at Vedenar. Highprince [[Valam]] emerged victorious, becoming the new king. However, he quickly passed the crown to king [[Taravangian]] of [[Kharbranth]] before ordering his illegitimate son, [[Redin]], to kill him. Given Valam's poor health and his insinuations shortly before his death, it's possible he was being poisoned by the [[Diagram (group) | Diagram]] to achieve this, as it was them who instigated the civil war by sending Szeth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
=== The True Desolation ({{rosharan date|1173}} - )===
==== List of Known Veden Monarchs ====
{| width=80% class=infobox style='text-align:center!;' align=centerleft
! class=title colspan=3 style='background-color:#bbf;' | Veden Monarchs
Each of these princedoms also has its own military, largely independent of one another. The highprinces often squabble and fight each other, trying to claim land from the other princedoms for themselves.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
The princedoms contain many isolated estates.{{book ref|sa2|27}} The brightlords of these estates have their own vassals, who rule hamlets or possess no land.{{book ref|sa2|39}} EvenThe ifbrightlords who rule settlements are called citylords.{{book ref|sa1|6}} While these lords are sworn to a highprince, they mostly rule independently and will only answer to greater authority when called upon.{{book ref|sa2|27}}
==== Highprinces ====
=== International relations ===
==== Alethkar ====
The Vedens have an interesting relationship with the neighbouring country of [[Alethkar]]. The Vedens and Alethi have fought many small wars against one another, mostly over the same territories.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa3|52}} These wars tended to be fought between the individual highprinces of the individual nations,{{book ref|sa1|16}} although the Veden king Hanavanar took interest in the conflicts and ordered a small invasion to test the Alethi defenses around the year 1155.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
Despite this, the relationship between the nations is quite well. The nations have a very similar culture, with both of them being Vorin nations. Furthermore, a marriage of lighteyes between nations is seen as nothing particularly out of the ordinary, nor is it forbidden by any laws.{{book ref|sa2|1}} The Vedens also have extensive trade treaties in place, which allow them to trade with the Alethi for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== ThaylenahMilitary ====
As the largest country prior to the unification of Alethkar, Jah Keved has strong influence on the culture of other [[Vorin]] states. The centre of Vorin church, the Holy Enclave, is located in the Veden city of [[Valath]].{{book ref|sa3|100}} Valath is also the location of one of Roshar's major [[spanreed]] hubs, adding to the city's importance.{{book ref|sa2|47}}
In the decades prior to the [[True Desolation]], Jah Keved fought a number of small border wars against [[Alethkar]]. Though they were initially pushed back out of Alethi territory by forces led by [[Dalinar Kholin]], the skirmishes and battles between Veden and Alethi highprinces continued for over a decade.{{book ref|sa3|52}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Despite that, the two kingdoms appear to have good diplomatic relations, and a marriage between their [[lighteyes]] isn't seen as anything out of the ordinary.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
=== Military ===
| We talk of Jah Keved's weakness, but that’s relative. They still have a huge standing army, strong fortifications. If the enemy wades into Jah Keved now, while solidifying their own power, it will drain their resources and stall their conquest.
| [[Dalinar Kholin]] on the Veden military{{book ref|sa3|107}}
Though not as militaristic as their eastern neighbors, Jah Keved is thought to possess the most [[Shardwielding|Shard]]s of any country other than Alethkar, including about twenty [[Shardblade]]s.{{book ref|sa1|23}}{{book ref|sa1|52}}
PriorFor tomost theof civilJah war,Keved’s history each Veden highprince maintained their own military.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} However, it appears that following Taravangian's crowning, the surviving units have all been folded under his command. As the last battle was fought over [[Vedenar]], most of Veden troops are stationed in storm bunkers at the city's outskirts.{{book ref|sa3|100}} The civil war was catastrophic for themthe Veden military - many units suffered over 50% casualties - yet even with those losses the Veden military boasts an enormous number of soldiers and powerful fortifications.{{book ref|sa3|100}}{{book ref|sa3|107}} Entering their territory without sufficient preparations is generally considered to be a horrid idea bound to mire the potential assailant in years-long conflict, and a massive drain on resources.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
==== Fortifications and defenses ====
Jah Keved is known for their raiding tactics. The army operates in smaller raider groups, about four thousand strong, backed by a powerful main force. Those raiders are highly mobile, capable of harrying the enemy while avoiding direct confrontation. Their generals are noted to be excellent, even by [[Alethi]] standards.{{book ref|sa3|52}}
Jah Keved boasts strong fortifications, entering their territory without sufficient preparations is generally considered to be a horrid idea bound to mire the potential assailant in years-long conflict, and a massive drain on resources.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
A major focus of the Veden strategy is the defense of the strip of land between [[Horneater Peaks]] and Alethkar. Though narrow and underpopulated, it's a verdant, rich land that can be used as a staging area for any invasion of Jah Keved.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
==== MilitaryTactics ====
Following the fall of central and northern Alethkar to the [[Voidbringer]]s, large number of Alethi soldiers withdrew to either Jah Keved or [[Herdaz]] in hopes of escaping the flying [[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3|97}}
JahThe KevedVeden isarmies are known for their unique raiding tactics. The army operates in smaller raider groups, about four thousand strong, backed by a powerful main force. Those raiders are highly mobile, capable of harrying the enemy while avoiding direct confrontation.{{book ref|sa3|52}} Despite this, the Vedens are very capable on a large battlefield, usually fighting in large shield walls.{{book ref|sa4|100}} Their generals are noted to be excellent, even by [[Alethi]] standards.{{book ref|sa3|52}} The Vedens use drums to communicate on the battlefield.{{book ref|Sa4|100}}
==== Shards ====
Jah Keved owns a lot of [[Shardwielding|Shards]], about twenty [[Shardblade|blades]] and an unknown number of sets of [[Shardplate|plate]]. This means that Jah Keved, alongside Alethkar, has the most Blades of any other kingdom on Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
== Culture ==
|[[Kabsal]] on the people of Jah Keved{{book ref|sa1|7}}
The Veden people are typically associated with pale skin and violet eyes.{{book ref|sa1|46}} Although many Vedens, particularly in the south, look more like the Alethi people. These are generally tan -- darker-skinned [[Shin]], but not as dark as the [[Makabak]]i -- with dark, typically black hair.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa3|100}} Vedens are not a subtle people, brimming with passion and vice.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
The Veden are by and large [[Vorin]], worshipping the [[Almighty]] and the [[Herald]]s. They appear to be more religious than average Vorins, with higher importance being placed on the trappings of the faith, such as the [[safehand]] and the strict division between masculine and feminine arts.{{book ref|sa1|33}} In particular, they are noted to be highly respectful and reverent of the [[ardent]]s, and extremely traditional in the particulars of the doctrine.{{book ref|sa1|7}}
In Veden families, the sons have two-part names, with the latter part being their given name, while the former references their order or birth. The first four sons are called '''Nan''', '''Tet''', '''Asha''' and '''Van'''.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{book ref|sa2|27}} Should one of the sons die or be disinherited, his younger brothers all move up a level; for example, Tet [[Balat]] becomes Nan Balat.{{book ref|sa2|45}} The numerals are used mainly in formal context; siblings usually drop them when talking among themselves.{{book ref|sa1|i|2}}
Vedens are not a subtle people, brimming with passion and vice.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
When a Veden couple marries, the spouses retain their family names.{{wob ref|14904}} The children of the couple all use the surname of only one parent;{{book ref|sa1|5}} it's unclear whether it's always the father's, or if it depends on the parents' relative [[dahn]]s.
==== Siln and Bav ====
The Siln people live in and around the southern city of [[Silnasen]]. They are noted as being less technologically advanced than the rest of the country, with highly ritualized warfare.{{book ref|sa2|54}} Their apparent independence from Veden rule may stem from the fact that they were once a sovereign city-state.{{wob ref|4006}}
The Bav people live in [[Bavland]], a small region in the south-western corner of the country. They are mostly miners, and have their own language and culture largely separate from that of the Veden, although they are still Vorin.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
==== Unkalaki ====
Like the other Vorin cultures, Veden culture is divided into two major castes, the '''[[lighteyes]]''' and '''[[darkeyes]]''', separated by, as can be surmised, the color of a person's eyes. The lighteyes form the upper caste, with greater rights and privileges, while the darkeyes are the lower, working caste. Aside from that, each caste is subdivided into ten ranks, with the lighteyed ranks being called [[dahn]]s, while the darkeyed ones are the [[nahn]]s. The Veden monarch, for example, is the only person in the country holding the first dahn.{{wob ref|4006}}
Much of Vorin culture, and by extension Veden culture, is based upon the book [[Arts and Majesty]], which is a book that outlines what is proper for men and women. This book led to a division between, among others, the professions of men and women. Women are permitted to learn how to read and write, and expected to manage a household and business. Feminine arts include painting, reading, writing, and music.{{book ref|sa2|19}}{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{book ref|sa1|3}} Daughters are also expected to help with the family finances.{{book ref|sa2|39}} More confrontational positions, such as politics and militarymilitaristic positions, are considered masculine -- however, men are forbidden (or at least heavily discouraged) from learning the alphabet.{{book ref|tsm|19}}
-=== Marriage -===
Generally, marriages are arranged by the parents of the couple, or if the subjects are old enough, by themselves.{{book ref|sa2|45}} If the family has many daughters, the women may court and decide on a suitor themself, but if this is not the case, a marriage will be arranged.{{book ref|sa2|45}} When a Veden couple marries, the spouses retain their family names.{{wob ref|14904}} The children of the couple all use the surname of only one parent;{{book ref|sa1|5}} it's unclear whether it's always the father's, or if it depends on the parents' relative [[dahn]]s. It is a custom to buy gifts for family members of the couple, with boys often getting weapons and women jewelry.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
=== Fashion ===
==== Games ====
Due to Vorin precepts against predicting the future, Veden cultureVedens avoids gambling and games involving random chance. Because of this their games tend to revolve around skill rather than chance. One popular game in Veden culture is [[Breakneck]], which is often played in gambling dens. Many people in Bavland also wat h and bet on [[Shallowcrab]] fights.{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
==== Sports ====
The Vedens also enjoy dueling. Classical ideals dictate that men should duel with swords and without shields. They also dictate that the men should use sweeping methods of fighting, which are said to be an imitation of fighting with a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
=== The MarketReligion ===
==== Vorinism ====
TheJah VedenKeved areis byone andof largethe five [[Vorin]] Kingdoms. The vast majority of Jah Keved is Vorin, worshippingwith only the [[Almighty]]Unkalaki andas thea notable [[Herald]]sexception. TheyThe appearVedens toare befar more religious than the average Vorins,Vorin. withThe higherVeden importanceversion beingof placedVorinism places a higher importance on the trappings of the faith, such as the [[safehand]] and the strict division between masculine and feminine arts.{{book ref|sa1|33}} In particular, theythe Vedens are noted to be highly respectful and reverent of the [[ardent]]s,. andThey are also extremely traditional in the particulars of the Vorin doctrine.{{book ref|sa1|7}} The centre of Vorin church, the Holy Enclave, is located in the Veden city of [[Valath]].{{book ref|sa3|100}} The Bav are also Vorin, although they are not as strict as the Vedens.{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
==== The Unkalaki religion ====
The Unkalaki have their own religion. Their religion is polytheistic, with a set of higher gods, like the gods of the waters, trees and mountains. Aside from these gods they also worship [[spren]].{{book ref|sa2|9}} The Unkalaki believe that underneath the regular water on the peaks is the ''Place of the Gods'', which is likely [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa2|46}} Despite having their own religion, the Unkalaki still receive Veden ardents who come to the [[Horneater Peaks]] to preach Vorinism.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
=== Architecture ===
Jah Keved has many isolated estates. These estates are generally made up of a manor, the residence for the lighteyed owners, a separate servants’ building, a guardhouse and a large garden.{{book ref|sa2|27}}{{book ref|sa2|73}} These estates of Jah Keved lack most of the more recent discoveries in architecture and engineering like storm cisterns.{{book ref|sa2|40}} Generally, Veden architectural styles are very close to Alethi styles.{{book ref|sa3|100}} A typical manor is built after the Veden ideal, tall and imposing. They are often built of square stone blocks and contain small windows, with the walls being dappled by dark lichen. Almost all of the manors have large dining halls for feasts, these halls have numerous tables, with the most important one called the high table.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
==== Horticulture and greeneryGreenery ====
The Vedens love horticulturegreenery,{{book ref|sa3|100}} they decorate their gardens with cultivated vines and rows of shalebark. These plants are often cut and trimmed into shapes. The current horticulturalarchitectural fashion includes having a number of rare plants placed in a jumble. Buildings often have plants draping them and falling from windows.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
== Economy ==
==== Currency ====
As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy is based upon [[Spheres|glass spheres with cut polestones in their center]], known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}}
==== Merchants and trading routes ====
The northern city of [[Northgrip]] is very important to Jah Keved’s economy. Many goods eventually pass through Northgrip. There are a lot of merchants that bring goods from Northgrip to the rest of the country.{{book ref|sa2|19}} A lord who wishes to make use of the roads for trade needs to pay for the patrols and maintenance of said roads. This money is given back to the villages where the materials are harvested or made. Like in other Vorin countries, aside from Lighteyes, only darkeyes of the first and second [[Nahn]] can become merchants. Lighteyes sometimes engage in trade deals with each other, hoping to get favour with lighteyes of a higher Dahn.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
==== Foreign Trade ====
Many of the goods produced by the Vedens eventually goes abroad. The Vedens also import many things from abroad. Among the exported goods are rare and expensive floral dyes.{{book ref|sa3|i|8}} Jah Keved has trade treaties in place with Alethkar, which allows the Vedens to trade for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}} In the rural areas of [[Jah Keved]], chulls are harnessed and controlled with complex leather bridles.{{file ref|Chull.jpg|Shallan's Sketchbook: Chulls}}
== Notable citizens ==
* [[Shallan Davar]], the first [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] of the new generation of [[Knights Radiant]]
* The rest of the [[House Davar|Davar household]], including the father, [[Lin Davar |Lin]], as well as his four sons [[Wikim]], [[Jushu]], [[Balat]] and [[Helaran]]
* [[Malata]], thea [[Dustbringer]] Radiant in service of the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]]
* [[Valam]], the formera Veden Highprince-turned-King and the liege lord of the Davars
* [[Hanavanar]], the previousa Veden king, whose death caused the Jah Keved civil war
