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Venli goes to see Rlain. The guard tells her that he is considered a human sympathizer, but she manages to convince him to let her speak with Rlain alone. Rlain recognizes her, and as they exchange their stories, Venli realizes that they have overlapping goals. She tells him that she has saved Kaladin's family, and she promises to help get him out.
Venli finds Raboniel in Dalinar's former rooms accompanied by some fused, some humans, and Mraize. Mraize is making a deal for access to the Oathgates, and he presents Lift in a cage as a gift, and reveals to her that Lift is an Edgedancer whom Cultivation made to use Lifelight instead of Stormlight. When Mraize is gone, Venli asks Raboniel if Rlain can be released into her care, as he is the only other of her kind left; Raboniel agrees. She leaves and arrives at her room, where she attempts to swear the [[Order of Willshapers#The Second Ideal|next ideal]]. Her words are rejected, which makes sense to her as she realizes that she cannot be true to the ideal, having watched a human child carted away in a cage.
{{anchor|Chapter 61}}