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In the last moments of Defending Elysium, Jason sits back and tells Lanna to prepare a press release: tell humanity that the Phone Company has finally developed faster-than-light travel, and that it will be released to the public. His last words are a hope for the illusion he'd believed in for so long.
== Main Characters ==
;[[Jason Write]]: Considered to be the top operative of the Phone Company he is a powerful psionic looking for a missing scientist on the Evensong orbital platform.
:His philosophy is that space and their relation with the alien species is some sort of paradise that humanity is working towards. He believes the Varvax have found Elysian by becoming a space-faring race and can't imagine them as anything but peaceful.
;[[Edmund (Cytonic)|Edmund]]: He is a Cytonic like Jason who kidnaps him in order to discover whether Jason really does possess mindblades.
== OrganizationsSetting ==
=== Organizations ===
;[[Phone Company]]: The PC were the first to make contact with an alien species and had negotiated humanity out of a disaster following the Tenasi incident. The PC had brought FTL communications to humankind.
;[[United Intelligence Bureau]]: The UIB is humankind's (supposedly) largest intelligence agency in the entire solar system. They mistrust the Phone Company because of their apparent shadowy motives.
=== Technology ===
;[[Cytonics]]: A breakthrough in psionic development. Those possessing this technology, such as the Varvax, are able to use an ability called "Sense" to see the world around them with supernatural senses. To Jason, his world is a vibrating kaleidoscope of colour - from black that is "quiet" and reds that vibrate violently across his vision. With Sense, a Cytonic who is blind is able to paint an accurate picture of the world.
:It involves Sensing inwards on yourself and removing yourself from normal space, apparently moving through a different dimension to reappear at a different point in normal space light-years away in seconds.
== Cover Gallery ==
{{for|/Covers|a cover gallery of ''Defending Elysium''}}
== Notes ==
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