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(Book 3)
(→‎History: book 4)
Librarians attacked the King, and [[Archedis]], one of the leaders of the Knights, revealed himself as a traitor. He attacked the King, but was stopped by Bastille. Bastille dueled Archedis using her mother’s sword. She was not knocked unconscious because she had been cut off from the Mindstone. After Bastille defeated Archedis, Alcatraz used his Talent to break Archedis’ sword, and She Who Must Not Be Named escaped.{{book ref|a4|21}} Afterward, Bastille was restored to knighthood, and Attica announced his intentions to give everyone a Smedry Talent. Alcatraz determined to stop him if necessary.{{book ref|a4|Royal Epilogue (Not a Chapter)}}
=== Leaving Nalhalla ===
|To my father and son, I am bad at saying goodbye. Goodbye.
|Attica Smedry’s farewell note{{book ref|a4|6}}
Since the treaty was stopped, the Librarians laid siege to Mokia’s capital city of [[Tuki Tuki]] with their full strength. Alcatraz did some weapons training with Bastille, and wished he could do more to help. Attica Smedry left Nalhalla on a secret mission, and left a cold and brief goodbye note to Alcatraz and Grandpa Smedry. The [[Council of Kings]] is reluctant to send forces to the beleaguered city of Tuki Tuki, and Alcatraz decided to go himself to force the Knights to come rescue him and help Tuki Tuki.{{book ref|a4|6}} Alcatraz barged into a Council meeting and announced that he was taking a vacation to Tuku Tuki. When he insisted on going, the Knights chased after him, Grandpa and Bastille, trying to capture them to imprison them for their own safety. Grandpa joined the Knights side, using his Talent to let Alcatraz and Bastille escape.{{book ref|a4|π}} Kaz takes them to where Aydee has a getaway vehicle, the [[Colorfly]].{{book ref|a4|4½}} after an eventful flight, they crash outside Tuki Tuki when they’re shot down by Librarians. They determine to reach the royal palace inside the city to contact the Knights, and so they decide to sneak past the siege.{{book ref|a4|42}}
=== In Tuki Tuki ===
|I feel I should give you some kind of grand introduction, Lord Smedry, but these are not days for joyful tours. So instead, just let me say this. Welcome to the City of Flowers.
|Talakimallo when Alcatraz arrived in Tuki Tuki.{{book ref|a4|A+}}
At night, they sneak into the Librarian camp, quoting Shakespeare as they do. After inadvertently sounding the alarm, Alcatraz and the others had to run for the city walls, where they were admitted into Tuku Tuki when they saw Bastille’s sword.{{book ref|a4|act v, scene iii}} They were greeted by a man who introduced himself as General Mallo, who told them about the city’s defenses and gave them a brief introduction to the city. The city had a giant glass dome made of Defender’s Glass. Alcatraz realized that General Mallo was actually King [[Talakimallo]] of Mokia, who tricked the Knights and stayed behind in the city when they tried to escort him to safety.{{book ref|a4|A+}}
|Style will not protect my people from Librarian weapons. Your help is appreciated, but your promises are flimsy.
|King Talakimallo to Alcatraz{{book ref|a4|1010}}
Alcatraz called Draulin with a piece of Communicator’s Glass, and showed them the King. He told them that they needed to come rescue the King and himself. Their message was disrupted by Librarian interference, and Talakimallo said that he was considering surrender so that no more Mokians would die. Alcatraz urged him to wait until Grandpa Smedry and the Knights arrived to help. Before the King could decide, a Librarian strike launched an ambush, knocking both the King and Queen into comas.{{book ref|a4|1010}} Alcatraz was made temporary king, and he decides to keep fighting. He gave various other orders, despite the advice of his advisors, who advised him to surrender.{{book ref|a4|070706}}
Alcatraz discovered his mother among the Mokians’ prisoners, but she doesn’t give much information other than that she doesn’t wish him to be harmed. Bastille reported that the Knights were on their way, but wouldn’t arrive for hours.{{book ref|a4|6.02214187 × 10^23}} Alcatraz sends a group of Mokian runners, plus Kaz, to go blow up the Librarian’s large war robots. He sends Kaz with a message for Grandpa Smedry, saying to arrive by midnight, which is only minutes away.{{book ref|a4|8675309}} Things go well until one of the last runners goes down. Alcatraz aided the last runner by breaking the enemy Librarian rifles, but one robot still survived. Bastille rushed in and destroyed the last one, but was knocked into a coma in the process.{{book ref|a4|16}}
|My, my, lad. That was something incredible you did! I’m… not even sure what it was, but it was something incredible indeed!
|Grandpa Smedry to Alcatraz after the Librarian defeat{{book ref|a4|∞ + 1}}
Alcatraz felt overwhelmed, and was soon after captured by another Librarian strike team. They destroyed almost all his lenses, and almost killed him when Grandpa Smedry and the Knights of Crystallia arrived. Alcatraz avoided death by using a teddy bear grenade, which defeated his enemies but also vaporized his clothes.{{book ref|a4|???}}
Alcatraz was picked up by Draulin, but Alcatraz commandeered their escape vehicle and rescued the unconscious Bastille. After they were shot down, Alcatraz felt frustrated. His Breaking Talent felt foreign inside him, partially out of his control. He unleashed it through his Bestower’s Lens and into Bastille’s Fleshtone. An enormous burst of power leaves him, going through the Lens and into the Fleshtone. Alcatraz was completely exhausted and fell unconscious.{{book ref|a4|∞}} Afterward, Alcatraz discovered that he broke all of the Librarian weapons when he temporarily bestowed the Breaking Talent to every Knight. The Librarians were defeated and Alcatraz became a national hero. Alcatraz learned that he also broke the Smedry Talents, and now none of them would work, including his own. Alcatraz met with his mother, who said Attica would be going to the Highbrary in Washington D.C., to learn how to give the Smedry Talents to everyone. Alcatraz reluctantly agreed to work with his mother to stop Attica.{{book ref|a4|∞ + 1}}
== Family ==
