Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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For the Alethi, being a leader is essentially the same as being a general. Officers wear something called an officer’s coat, which is long and meant to be unbuttoned. War banners mark divisions, battalions and companies, they are used to organise an army.{{book ref|sa4|27}} During the True Desolation, warfare began to change. There are far fewer large scale formations, those are far to easy to disrupt. Instead men spend their time in protected warcamps, occasionally making a sudden surge to claim ground and shove away the enemy. During this time battles changed from decisive engagements to several month long fights.{{book ref|sa4|43}} The Alethi quickly adapted to warfare against the [[Fused]] and [[Regal]]s. When there is an abundance of Shanay-Im the humans lock their shields together into a canopy, protecting from lances and spears, aside from that the humans have learned to use water to render the stormforms power unusable.{{book ref|sa4|42}} certain arm gesture signals to soldiers to retreat.{{book ref|sa1|13}} Kings guard: blue and gold. Also from the Kholin army. The old campaign conundrums: did one choose the best position to weather storms, or did one seize the high ground. Most men choose the former. Alethi uniforms are traditionally made up of a long, approximately waistlength,{{book ref|sa1|22}} coat with buttons up the side.{{book ref|sa1|18}} The Alethi military is over a hundred fifty thousand troops strong.{{book ref|sa1|22}} High ranking Brightlords may also have a shieldbearer. Each highprince has his own martial philosophy, and their army has it’s own strength, with the Kholin army having the best heavy infantry, the Roion army the best archers and the Sadeas army the fastest bridges.{{book ref|sa1|24}}
{{sidequote|All wars are games. The greatest kind, with the pieces lost real lives, the prizes captured making for real wealth! This is the life for which men exist. To fight, to kill, to win.|A quote from the [[Sadees Sunmaker|Sunmaker]], who shaped modern Alethi militarism{{book ref|sa1|24}}|side=right size =300px}}
{{sidequote|There hasn’t been peace since the Tranquiline Halls, Man’s life on Roshar is conflict.|a quotation from [[The Arguments]]{{book ref|sa1|24}}|side=right size =300px}}
Proper Alethi warcamps are often arranged neatly, with the barracks placed in rows which are in turn arranged into radials, with a meeting ground and a mess hall at the center of each battalion.{{book ref|sa1|26}} The ‘close order’ drill is a an essential exercise to an army’s performance, although few outside the military appreciate its importance. There is also a drill called the ‘extended order’ drill, sometimes called the ‘extended combat’ drill, this drill focuses on practicing formations and movements used on the battlefield. The Alethi army adapted to the [[listener]] strategies by increasing the flexibility of their armies, making them able to respond quickly to the uncanny way the listeners fought. Each brightlord has his own personal glyphpair, which is usually made up of two glyphs.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
