Difference between revisions of "Battle of Thaylen Field"

m (if the book ends 1174.2.10.5 then it's reasonable that the rest of it happens in week 2.10)
In the form of blood red mist, lithe with twisting depictions of battle, the [[unmade]] [[Nergaoul]] took to the battlefield and filled Sadeas' troops with the [[Thrill]], filling them with bloodlust and the urge to fight above all else. It was then that the voidspren that had come through the Oathgate into the physical realm seized new hosts. Odium had figured out a way in which he could bond voidspren to humans, something that had never happened in previous desolations. The Alethi army, 10,000 men strong, turned glowing red eyes upon their own forces. Lead by Amaram, who had cut a deal with Odium, the Alethi army began to siege to Thaylen City.{{book ref|sa3|115}} A massive Thunderclast lays waste to the city, particularly the Thaylen reserve. Rending the building apart, it casts the riches of Thaylen City in the form of gemstones into the sky to fall throughout the city. Of particular note to the enemy, is the ruby the [[King's Drop]].{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} {{book ref|sa3|116}}
Taking his copy of [[The Way of Kings]] under his arm and unwilling to bow before the enemy, [[Dalinar]] goes alone to meet the enemy.{{book ref|sa3|116}} Despite the [[Azish]]'s departure [[Lift]] had snuck away unwilling to abandon Dalinar to the enemy. Unsure of the importance of the King's Drop, but seeing how the enemy protected it, Dalinar orders liftLift to pursue and retrieve the gem.{{book ref|sa3|117}} [[Szeth]], who hovers above the city along with [[Nale]] chooses to swear the Third Ideal of the [[Skybreaker]]s opting to put his faith in a man who will do what is right: Dalinar. Szeth descends upon the battlefield with [[Nightblood]] unsheathed and brings fury to the enemy in order to aid Lift in accomplishing her task. {{book ref|sa3|117}}{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium and Dalinar meet along with several Fused including [[Venli]]. Odium explains that he had been grooming Dalinar for years and reveals that he himself is to be Odium's Champion. Dalinar falls to his knees as the Thrill and the pain of his past actions bombard him. He is broken and alone and Odium offers him an escape of that pain if he will just give in. {{book ref|sa3|118}} Dalinar instead manages to overcome the pressure and accept and bare his pain, refusing to become Odium's Champion. He rises to his feet and reaches his hands to either side. In one hand he grips the [[Cognitive Realm]], in the other the [[Spiritual Realm]]. Venli whispers to him asking "What are you?" He brings his hands together exclaiming, "I am unity."{{book ref|sa3|119}} All three realms, physical, cognitive, and spiritual are united in an outpouring of [[gloryspren]] and [[Stormlight]], infusing every gem in the city and forming a [[Perpendicularity]] that [[Adolin]], [[Shallan]], and [[Kaladin]] use to return to the Physical Realm and join the fight.
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