Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Rithmatist"

...(a), as you've just demonstrated, the page is open for anyone to edit, though using that fact to add random comments to the page is a good way to get that changed; (b) yes, this summary page is accurate, though by it's nature as a summary it can't include all the details and things do sometimes slip through the cracks
m (...(a), as you've just demonstrated, the page is open for anyone to edit, though using that fact to add random comments to the page is a good way to get that changed; (b) yes, this summary page is accurate, though by it's nature as a summary it can't include all the details and things do sometimes slip through the cracks)
Tag: Undo
Diagram of Bind Points and Circles Advanced Notes [http://i1.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist4.jpg?resize=534%2C803&type=vertical]
Joel attends math class. Joel likes math because geometry is the basis of [[Rithmatics]]. When Professor [[Layton]] comes to check the previous night's assignment, Joel is caught not having completed it. When Professor Layton dismisses the class he tells Joel to stay. Joel quickly realizes that Layton thinks he cheated to get perfect scores on all his tests. Joel proposes completing the assignment in these last few minutes of the class to prove his abilities and starts doing so. The professor assumes Joel already had the answers and draws a new task on the board. Joel solves it very quickly and points out some inaccuracies in the proportions of the drawing. He demonstrates his ability to draw perfect lines and circles by eye and convinces Layton that he already knew what was taught during this term, along with trigonometry and algebra. Layton agrees to pass Joel.
=== Chapter 4 ===
Exton is freed and Joel, Melody, Professor Fitch and Professor Nalizar are lauded as heroes.
Prior to the start of the Melee, Joel confronts Nalizar. Nalizar reveals that he too is a Forgotten, but convinces Joel that nobody would believe him if he told anyone. Joel realizes that Nalizar likely is counting on his handpicked team winning the Melee and gaining important positions at Nebrask, and then disrupt the defenses in some way. Trying to disrupt this plan, he convinces Exton to allow him to enter the Melee alongside Melody. They work together as a team, inside the same [[Rithmatics#Line of Warding|Line of Warding]]: Joel uses his proficiency with line-drawing to draw their defenses, which Melody traces and activates. Joel's precise line-drawing and strategy, combined with Melody's skill with chalklings, allow them to defeat their competitors, including Nalizar's twelve person team, and win the Melee. yall sould be letting people edit this shit. i need it for school. if one of yall twisted the story istg.