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At some point after Navani left for the Shattered Plains, the palace came under the influence of the [[Unmade]] [[Ashertmarn]]. This caused the queen to begin acting increasingly erratically, throwing away rotting food, hosting excessively lavish parties and losing interest in ruling Alethkar. The situation came to a peak when ardent [[Pai]] was executed for publicly denouncing this new lifestyle, causing wide-spread riots in the city.{{book ref|sa3|i|12}}
After the riots, the queen recalled her guard into the palace, and appears to have fallen fully under the influence of both Ashertmarn and [[Yelig-Nar]]. Anyone to enter the palace would never return, either killed by the Queen's Guard or subsumed by Ashertmarn, while the spren of the Oathgate beneath the Monastery Dais were subverted by [[Sja-Anat]]. During that period, the [[Cult of Moments]] held feasts in the Monastery Dais. A portion of the Palace Guard resisted the lure of the Unmade and were locked in a room. After their release, they claimed that time seemed to pass differently for them, feeling it has only been a few days, not a few weeks, since the riots.{{book ref|sa3|84}}
The strike team led by [[Elhokar Kholin]] tried and failed to re-take the Palace from the queen. Its further fate is unknown so far.