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The '''Ones Above''' is the colloquial name for a space-faringspacefaring group that visitregularly visits the [[Eelakin]] people on [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|sixth}} Their name referencingreferences the fact that they arrived in the sky above First of the Sun in spaceships.
[[Vathi]], who has met some of the Ones Above in person, notes that "they look like us; at times they talk like us".{{book ref|sixth}} This indicates that they are humanoid in appearance and that some individuals may be able to speak the [[Eelakin]] language. However, Vathi also says that they have their own language when describing a translator device and an equipment manual.{{book ref|sixth}} Vathi also suspects that they are immortal, until she sees one individual choke to death.{{book ref|sixth}} Neither the origin nor the composition of the Ones Above are known.
The Ones Above have incredibly advanced technology. They have space ships, and the natives of First of the Sun believe that they "live in the Stars". They have small handheld devices that can map out the current locations of the [[Aviar]]. It has a limited range. They also have a large device that can locate Aviar and print out a map marking where they are with dots. The large device can also translate languages, including the language of the Ones Above. It does not need a power source. They have other devices that they are not willing to show the people of First of the Sun.
Vathi notes that the Ones Above are "fascinated" with [[Aviar]]; she believes that they want to figure out a way to acquire them.{{book ref|sixth}} However, the Ones Above seem to be bound by "laws" or a code preventing them from simply invading the islands or even trading with "less advanced" cultures.{{book ref|sixth}} They will not explain these laws to the Eelakin, but they insinuate that they know of other space travelers who would not face similar restrictions.{{book ref|sixth}}
They have visited many people on many other planets. They don't trade with the people of First of the Sun because, to them, that would be comparable to an adult negotiating with a child and perceived to be inherently unfair to less advanced civilizations. However, to try and get around these rules the Ones Above will occasionally give the [[Eelakin]] devices such as the Aviar trackers in the hopes that they will develop faster and thus be advanced enough to trade with. They also intentionally leave documents such as blueprints in their machines as if by accident for the same reason. The Ones above want to trade with the peoples of [[First of the Sun]] to take their Aviar.
The people of First of the Sun were traditionally sailors and wayfinders who used outrigger canoes to navigate the [[Eelakin Islands]] and the [[Pantheon]]; [[Dusk]] notes that in his time only [[trapper]]s learn the "old arts". Vathi says that they have "barely worked out" marine propulsion on their own.{{book ref|sixth}}
The Ones Above have technology that is far superior to anything found on the planet before their arrival. They give some of this technology to the Eelakin, typically without an explanation of how it works.{{book ref|sixth}}
* Brandon has confirmed that they visit First of the Sun through interplanetary space travel.{{wob ref|3295}}{{wob ref|1728}} This is independent of [[worldhopping]].
* Dusk (and presumably other trappers) use sea charts created by the Ones Above that are more accurate than any that they can create themselves.{{book ref|sixth}}
* Vathi uses a handheld device that is both a language translator and a short-range Aviar-locating device.{{book ref|sixth}}
* The [[Northern Interests Trading Company]] also possesses a larger, long-range Aviar locator that can scan an entire island and print a map of any Aviar detected there.{{book ref|sixth}} Aviar react negatively to this machine.{{book ref|sixth}}
The Company also has iron-hulled ships, cannons that can fend off [[deepwalker]]s, and gunpowder-based spear guns capable of killing a [[Nightmaw]];{{book ref|sixth}} however, it is not explicitly stated that any of those technologies originated with the Ones Above.
Vathi tells Dusk that he has not "seen the things they can do", implying that the Ones Above have demonstrated even more advanced technologies to some of the Eelakin.{{book ref|sixth}}
During the events of ''[[Sixth of the Dusk]]'', Dusk notes that companies such as Northern Interests Trading have been looking to establish outposts on the Pantheon "for years" and that the visits of the Ones Above are not to blame for their ambition.{{book ref|sixth}} This indicates that the visits likely began during Dusk's lifetime. The specifics of the meetings have not been revealed, but they do meet with the native population in person; Vathi notes that an emissary worked directly with her company.{{book ref|sixth}} The visits occur regularly and seem to have become an accepted part of the culture.{{book ref|sixth}} Eelakin society on the [[homeisles]] is undergoing various changes that stem from the advances in technology. This includes a new focus on education and industry, reduced interest in traditional names and professions, and increased demand for Aviar.{{book ref|sixth}}
Although both Dusk and Vathi are distrustful of the Ones Above, they both use their technology, like all other Eelakin. The Ones Above seem benevolent, but Dusk and Vathi ultimately realize that there has been subterfuge on various occasions that has resulted in the Eelakin rapidly gaining technology or making "discoveries" through planted devices or information. They theorize that the Ones Above are intentionally doling out the technology, quickly advancing Eelakin society in order to subvert the "laws" that currently prevent them from taking the Aviar.{{book ref|sixth}}
==Other appearances==
Some version of the Ones Above was seen in the [[Cosmere]] prior to the publication ''Sixth of the Dusk''.{{wob ref|2665}}{{wob ref|1390}} Since no other works take place on First of the Sun, this means that they have been part of the storyline on another planet.
We have met them, presumably on another world.{{wob ref|date=2014-12-06|1390|Orem signing 2014}} Chronologically, Sixth of the Dusk takes place at about the same time as Mistborn Era 4(the space opera trilogy) will take place, so there is a strong chance that the Ones Above are from Scadrial.
Chronologically, Sixth of the Dusk occurs near the end of Brandon's overall plans for the Cosmere.{{book ref|sixth|part=postscript}}{{wob ref|1728}} Brandon has mentioned that his long-term plan for the ''[[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]'' series includes books in a sci-fi setting that include FTL (faster-than-light) space travel.{{wob ref|1476}}{{wob ref|9005}}{{wob ref|10012}} Based on these facts, it has been theorized by many readers that the Ones Above are travelers from a future version of [[Scadrial]], but Brandon has declined to confirm this.{{wob ref|9320}}{{wob ref|7590}}{{wob ref|8479}}
== Notes ==