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(Added a squires section and added other info Still needs more work. Also I have a habit of capitalizeing inappropriately so if you see any I missed please fix them for me.)
:The tenth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] Tension and Adhesion.
The Knights Radiant also used [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]]s, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Not all Radiant have Access to shard and many Orders don't receive them until they have said multiple Ideals.
== Squires ==
Many orders of the knights are able to grant a the ability to use [[Stormlight]] and some of their [[Surgebinding|Surges]] to people hoping to become knights themselves. Hopeful squires must start themselves on the path of becoming a member of that order. For [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunners]] this appears to be coming to a mental state geared to protecting. Each order follows a path and with a Knight willing to help the first steps can be taken before Bonding a [[Spren]] themselves. This shows the [[Spren]] what people are good candidates for each order, and reducing the chance that a [[Spren]] will die from failed oaths.
;Known orders to have Squires
-[[Order of Windrunners|Windrunners]]
-[[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreakers]]
-[[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweavers]]
== Immortal Words ==
The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, known as '''The Immortal Words''', serve as a guide to them for how they were to live their lives. Each order of Radiants have five Ideals, with the First Ideal being the same for every order. Thesometimes Firstcalled the Ideal of Radiance acts as a motto and guide for the entire organization of Knights Radiant, while the four later Ideals are said to be different for every order,. mostThe notablyUnique forIdeals theof Lightweavers,Each whoorder swearare onlypart theof Firsta Ideal and speak truths about themselves afterwardsjourney to progress.{{book ref|sa1|59}}them Theseon Idealsa arepath basedand offto ofkeep the bookSurges [[Thefrom Waybeing ofused Kings (in-world)|''The Way ofwithout Kings'']]restraint.
== Vorinism ==