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(I added the chapter references.)
'''''Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens''''' is a young adult novel by [[Brandon Sanderson]]. It is the fourth volume of the [[Alcatraz]] series and was published in December 2010.
==Chapter Nicknames==
For the chapter numbers in Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens, Brandon Sanderson decided to change all of the numbers to significant (or funny) numbers. Here is the (known) significance of all the chapter names.
1: Chapter 2 -Explained in-text that [[Alcatraz]] was too stoopid to include chapter 1, which Alcatraz says is a shame because it has all the stuff that would make the book non-confusing.
2: Chapter 6 -Explained in-text that [[Alcatraz]] skipped chapters 3, 4, & 5 because they were so boring.
3: Chapter pi - Also known as 3.14159265. Fairly close to what the chapter number should actually be.
4: Chapter 4 1/2- Again, fairly close to what the chapter number should be.
5: Chapter 42 - The ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
6: Chapter 144 - 12*12, also known as a Gross.
7: Act V, Scene III- This chapter is the one where (almost) all the dialogue is pulled from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Act V Scene III and it is the last scene in Hamlet, the one where most of the characters die. It is fitting, because this is a battle chapter.
8: Chapter A+
9: Chapter No! - This is a German joke, as the german word for "No" is "Nein".
10: Chapter 1010 - 1010 is 10 in binary, which matches up with the fact that it is the 10th chapter.
11: Chapter 24601 - Jean Valjean's (the main character's) prison number from Les Miserables.
12: Chapter 070706 - July 7th, 2006, the day Brandon was married.
13: Chapter 6.02214179 x 10^23 - Avogadro's number, a constant dealing with the number of atoms or molecules in a substance.
14: Chapter Four Teens and a Pickle
15: Chapter 8675309 - The phone number in the popular song "Jenny", that was very popular.
16: Chapter 16 - A very significant number in Brandon's [[cosmere]] books, having to do with [[Adonalsium]].
17: Chapter NCC-1701 - Or, more completely, USS Enterprise NCC-1701, the name of the ship in the original Star Trek series.
18: Chapter 4815162342 - 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 is the sequence of numbers that appeared in the television show Lost.
19: Chapter ??? - Brandon probably lost count of the chapters, or just couldn't think of anything at this point.
20: Chapter infinity
21: Chapter infinity + 1 - Infinity plus 1 is still infinity.