Difference between revisions of "Helaran Davar"

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m (normalised)
|race=Jah KevedVeden
|homeland=Jah Keved
|books=[[{{b|wok}}The Way of Kings]]
'''Nan Helaran Davar''' iswas a characterlighteyed from[[Veden]] on [[Roshar]].
His siblings included [[Shallan]], [[Balat]], [[Asha Jushu]], and [[Tet Wikim]].
Helaran, is a eldest brother of [[Shallan Davar]].
Of all the Davar children, he knew the most about his father's secrets and plans and stood up to him the most.
He vanished before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.
== Notes ==
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