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== Family ==
Son of [[Navani]] and [[Gavilar]] Kholin, nephew of [[Dalinar]] Kholin, sister of [[Jasnah]] Kholin, and cousin of both [[Adolin]] and [[Renarin]] Kholin.
== Plot ==
The King's paranoia stemmed from the assassination of his father and he feared that he would meet the same fate, although he overcompensated on the battlefield and often acted recklessly to the dismay of his family and guards.
This paranoia was furthered by his ability to see strange creatures (possibly [[symbolspren]]) in mirrors.
Due to this ability it is theorised that Elhokar could become a [[Soulcaster]] like [[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan Davar]], and be able to Soulcast without the use of a [[fabrial]].
Elhokar's deep fear of assassination caused him to fake an assassination attempt on his own life by cutting the girth strap on his saddle, in order to trigger an investigation on those who wish him dead.