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Dalinar sits down to rest after hours of politicking and talking up his expedition to the Shattered Plains. Wit approaches and compliments Dalinar on his approach to dealing with the insults. Wit implies that Dalinar outshines Elhokar in importance, and Dalinar asks if he is a tyrant, and Wit replies that he is but that he is a benevolent one, which is preferable to a weak ruler, and what the world needs currently. Wit said that what was done to unify the kingdom years ago was good work, but Dalinar complains about how weak the kingdom is because of the means they used in unification, and that more than beneficial tyranny is needed according to Nohadon. Wit cryptically comments that he has to go somewhere but he doesn't know why, and when asked, denies that he is a Radiant or Herald, and that their goals do not completely align and that Wit will watch the world crumble and burn to get what he needs, though not happily, and that Dalinar can't trust Wit. Wit says that he will try to help carefully but must avoid being destroyed by Dalinar's enemy, the father of hatred.
== Notes ==
{{Words of Radiance Summaries|partial}}