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The world of ''[[Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (series)|Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians]]'' is split up into two major territories: the [[Hushlands]] and the [[Free Kingdoms]].
== The Hushlands ==
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The Hushlands or Libraria are basically all of the ''real'' world. They are under control of the [[Librarian]]s{{book ref|a1|part=forewordForeword}}
== The Free Kingdoms ==
== History ==
The [[Librarian]]sLibrarians control all knowledge in the Hushlands. Any time the [[Librarian]]s take over a new territory, they are added to the Hushlands. History books are changed so it appears that the new territory was always part of Hushland history. The most recent Librarian acquisition is the continent of Australia.{{book ref|BOOKa1|CHAPTER8}}
== Notes ==