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The '''Siege of Fadrex City''' was one of the major events on [[Scadrial]] between the [[Collapse]] of the [[Final Empire]] and the [[Final Ascension|ascension]] of [[Sazed]].
The human and [[koloss]] armies of the [[New Empire]] under Emperor [[Elend Venture]]'s command, besieged [[Fadrex City]], andthe seat of [[Aradan Yomen]]'s throne. VentureElend lead an army of thirty six thousand soldiers against twenty five thousand defenders. These armies have been assessed as nearly of the same strength, taking account of the strong defense fortification of Fadrex City. VentureElend also commanded twenty thousand [[koloss]], which unbalanced the strength of the two armies.
After two weeks Yomen started the first attack on the army of the New Empire. It consisted of three small attacks, one coming from north and the second from south. Both were used as an avocation from the third one, taking place at the koloss camp. Eleven thousand koloss died under the fire of catapults or killing each other in bloodlust.
After this incident VentureElend asked to debate with Yomen. The conference resulted in Venture's wife [[Vin]] being taken hostage. VentureElend reacted by fighting a koloss army nearby Fadrex City and returning with twenty eight thousand koloss, which made his koloss army thirty seven thousand koloss strong.
Following the orders of [[Marsh]], Yomen sent his army to the fields to battle the koloss army. Although VentureElend easily could have beaten the army he drew back, heeding the advice of his general, [[Hammond]]. This proved to be a good idea, since [[Ruin]] eventually took control over all the koloss in order to annihilate both the armies of VentureElend and Yomen.
As the koloss broke mad, Yomen decided to open his gates to let the army of VentureElend in. Meanwhile, Vin escaped from Fadrex City and travelled to [[Luthadel]].
Ruin gathered a large koloss army in front of the city. In Fadrex City VentureElend began to understand the function of the [[mistfallen]] and realized that he now had a new army of five thousand [[Misting]]s. After this conclusion, Ruin ordered the attack on Fadrex.
After some hours of fighting the koloss suddenly ran away from the city, in the direction of Luthadel, where Vin took up the [[Shard]] [[Preservation]].