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(Thoughts on "#switch:")
Do we want to use the switches instead of the subtemplates? It would seem easier to implement if it isn't server intensive or something like that. Your thoughts?--[[User:Beligaronia|Beligaronia]] ([[User talk:Beligaronia|talk]]) 23:57, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
:I guess a #switch: for the world though the race|homeland|etc → world translation could be its own template, much like the homeland|race → race one ({{[[Template:Race|Race]]}}) might be better. I was actually gonna wait until more consensus/organization happens before doing much more on those, hehehe. I hear ParserFunctions is probably more server intensive than multiple-deep transclude, though I dont know for sure. [[User:Fbstj|Joe ST]] 00:06, 15 February 2011 (UTC)