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Veden saph, sapphire. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
- Fashion -
Veden clothing includes trousers and shirts that laced up the front for the men, skirts and colourful blouses for the women. In the years around 1173 the Alethi tan and hair color is seen as the mark of true beauty.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Lighteyes, both men and women, often wear clothing made from silk. Beards are eschewed by the nobility, although this doesn’t stop some from wearing them. Traditional clothing includes a skirt like garment called an [[ulatu]], which may be worn with a shirt and a robe over the top, and mink pelts.{{book ref|sa2|19}} Also Vakama.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
Darkeyed women tend to wear simpler clothing, and tend to wear gloves on their safehand rather than large sleeves. This is done so that they are able to more easily perform household duties.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Wearing a glove on the safehand in this manner is seen as immodest and an inherent sign of lower class, and therefore is not typically practiced by lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Though the Horneater Peaks are nominally part of Jah Keved, the Unkalaki have their own language, system of beliefs and government, and don't seem to see themselves as Veden citizens.{{book ref|sa1|23}} However, the Veden still claim the right to levy troops from among them in times of war.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
==== Caste system and Division between the Sexes ====
Like the other Vorin cultures, Veden culture is divided into two major castes, the '''[[lighteyes]]''' and '''[[darkeyes]]''', separated by, as can be surmised, the color of a person's eyes. The lighteyes form the upper caste, with greater rights and privileges, while the darkeyes are the lower, working caste. Aside from that, each caste is subdivided into ten ranks, with the lighteyed ranks being called [[dahn]]s, while the darkeyed ones are the [[nahn]]s. The Veden monarch, for example, is the only person in the country holding the first dahn.{{wob ref|4006}}
=== Fashion ===
Veden fashion varies between the castes, lighteyes and darkeyes. This divide is enforced by the religion of [[Vorinism]], awhich is the majorstate religion in Jah Keved.
Fashion designers in [[Liafor]] and [[Yezier]] have great influence on lighteyed fashion in Jah Keved, with much of Veden clothing being designed in these countries, based on Veden fashion trends with their own cultural flair.{{file ref|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion Folio Page}}{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}}{{book ref|sa2|49}} Despite this, the Vedens do still have their own traditional clothing.{{book ref|sa2|19}}
==== Masculine fashion ====
AVeden piecemen ofoften traditionalwear men’strousers clothingand isshirts thethat [[ulatu]],lace aup knee-lengththe skirtfront.{{book ref|sa2sa1|193}}{{book ref|sa2|48}}Most Theyof arethe oftenclothing made for lighteyes is made from silk, andwhich arecomes generally worn withfrom a simpleplant shirtthat andfloats ain long robe orthe coatocean.{{book ref|sa2|19}} Another common form of male clothing, typically worn by warriors, is the [[vakama]].{{bookwob ref|sa2|386344}} TheBeards takamaare iseschewed aby formthe of longnobility, pleated,although calf-lengththis skirt.{{bookdoesn’t ref|sa4|20}}stop Thesome Vakamalighteyes andfrom Ulatuhaving have similarities with the Alethi [[takama]]them.{{book ref|sa4sa2|2019}}
A piece of traditional men’s clothing is the [[ulatu]], a knee-length skirt.{{book ref|sa2|19}}{{book ref|sa2|48}} They are generally worn with a simple shirt and a long robe or coat.{{book ref|sa2|19}} Another common form of male clothing, typically worn by warriors, is the [[vakama]].{{book ref|sa2|38}} The takama is a form of long, pleated, calf-length skirt.{{book ref|sa4|20}} The Vakama and Ulatu have similarities with the Alethi [[takama]].{{book ref|sa4|20}} Traditional Veden clothing is worn with a mink pelt.{{book ref|sa2|19}}
==== Feminine fashion ====
TheVeden Vorinwomen Havah iswear a verywide variety of clothing, including skirts and colourful blouses. A common form of clothing amongstfor Lighteyedthe womenVeden inlighteyes Alethkaris the Vorin Havah.{{book ref|sa2sa1|Prologue3}} ItThe Havah is formfitting through the bust, shoulders, and waist, and has a flowing skirt; fitting with Vorin ideals, these Havah have a long left sleeve, hiding their [[safehand]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} These sleeves often have a pouch to store belongings known as a safepouch.{{book ref|sa4|8}}{{book ref|sa1|48}} Havah are often made of brightly coloured silk, which is thin enough to allow women to easily grip objects with their safehand, when necessary.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa4|69}}
In the years around c.{{Rosharan date|1173}} the Alethi tan and hair color are seen as marks of true beauty.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Lighteyed women often arrange their hair high in a complex series of braids secured by four steel spikes.{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}}
Havah often have elaborate embroidery, often taking the form of multifarious designs, hatchings, and stylized glyphs.{{wob ref|6748}}{{book ref|sa1|43}}
Darkeyed women tend to wear simpler clothing, and tend to wear gloves on their safehand rather than large sleeves. This is done so that they are able to more easily perform household duties.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Wearing a glove on the safehand in this manner is seen as immodest and an inherent sign of lower class, and therefore is not typically practiced by lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
Lighteyed women often arrange their hair high in a complex series of braids secured by four steel spikes.{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}} These hair-spikes are considered to be traditional in Alethi culture.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Some women deign to use different metals, such as gold, to construct these spikes;{{book ref|sa1|48}} some even choose to wear a different number of spikes in their hair, such as six.{{book ref|sa1|48}} Sometimes hair-spikes are designed to resemble Shardblades.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Darkeyed women tend to wear simpler clothing, and tend to wear gloves on their safehand rather than large sleeves. This is done so that they are able to more easily perform household duties.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Wearing a glove on the safehand in this manner is seen as immodest and an inherent sign of lower class, and therefore is not typically practiced by lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
=== Languages ===
The Veden language belongs to the Vorin language family, and is close enough to that of the [[Alethkar|Alethi]] to be mutually intelligible for both sides.{{wob ref|3977}} Many Vedens learn Alethi in their youth.{{book ref|sa1|5}} The Unkalaki language is a part of the Dawnate language family, which means that although the vocabulary is distinctive, it shares similar grammar with the other Dawnate languages.{{wob ref|3977}} When speaking Veden, or other Vorin languages like Alethi, the Unkalaki have a distinct accent. One feature of this Unkalaki 'accent' is a tendency to use gendered pronouns (e.g. "he") in places where a non-gendered pronoun ("it") would be more appropriate{{book ref|sa2|24}}.
=== Games, Sports, and Entertainment ===
==== Festivals ====
The people of Jah Keved celebrate various fairs and festivals to celebrate special occasions. One such festival celebrated in Jah Keved is the [[Middlefest Fair]], which celebrates the coming of the [[Midpeace]].{{book ref|sa2|45}}
==== Games ====
Due to Vorin precepts against predicting the future, Veden culture avoids gambling and games involving random chance. Because of this their games tend to revolve around skill rather than chance. One popular game in Veden culture is [[Breakneck]], particularly among darkeyes.{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
=== Architecture ===