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m (→‎Notes: One of the first article I ever worked on, all grown up as a PoV character now)
|Becca to Spensa about being a hero{{book ref|Starsight|25}}
Spensa is very close to her grandmother. She enjoys all of Becca's stories about the warriors of Old Earth and frequently looks to them for inspiration and courage;{{book ref|Skyward|1}} Becca specifically told her those stories because she felt Spensa needed to hear them.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} Spensa also considers those storesstories to have been her shield when she was young and being called names.{{book ref|Cytonic|10}} After Spensa began to find out the truth of her father's cytonic abilities and his actions during the Battle of Alta, she sought out Becca for answers, though they are not entirely to her liking.{{book ref|Skyward|45}} Ultimately, however, Spensa choose her grandmother's tales of heroism over the DDF's fears of the "defect" and both flies{{book ref|Skyward|49}} and travels to space{{book ref|Skyward|55}} during the Battle of Alta Second. When Spensa is feeling overwhelmed by her mission to [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]], Becca is able to contact her cytonically and reassure her.{{book ref|Starsight|25}} She was also able to sense her and Jorgen from the nowhere.{{book ref|Cytonic|Prologue}} She was later able to remember the stories but forgetforgot her voice.{{book ref|Cytonic|27}} When she came back from the nowhere, they connected and Becca was happy to hear back from her.{{book ref|Cytonic|Epilogue}}
=== Spensa's Mother ===