Difference between revisions of "Verdant King"

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(Fixing flow, removing uncanonical tag as he is given this title in the book.)
(Link regalthon, move King's Masks out of Trivia, seems a more important point.)
The king made it law that those living on [[Diggen's Point]] could not leave the island,{{book ref|tress|1}} though he changed this law after [[Tress]] and the crew of the [[Crow's Song]] defeat the [[Sorceress]] so that residents are allowed to leave but receive a large stipend for working there for twenty years.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}
* He supposedly employs five [[King's Mask]]s as assassins to perform important missions.{{book ref|tress|30}}
== Trivia ==
* The only individual to refer to him as the 'Verdant King' is Salay, leaving it unclear if his kingdom solely comprises of the [[Verdant sea]] or expands beyond it. It is even possible that his control does not extend to the entire sea as [[Huck]] is unsurprised to find an island near the border of the sea did not fly the king's flag.{{book ref|tress|36}}
* A [[regalthon]] (a forty-mile race) is held every year on the king's birthday.{{book ref|tress|30}}
* He supposedly employs five [[King's Mask]]s as assassins to perform important missions.{{book ref|tress|30}}
== Notes ==