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== Geography ==
The Sorceress's Island is a small island located in the Midnight Sea. It is largely uninhabited bar the [[Sorceress]] herself and herthe metal soldiers that form her army. Even plantPlant life is rare on the island as; it is populated by only a few lone trees, none of which have many leaves upon them. Upon seeing the island, [[Tress]] was surprised by how small it was, being even smaller than [[Diggen's Point]]. The only struturestructure on the island is the [[Sorceress's tower]].{{book ref|tress|59}}
It is surrounded by underwater rocky spikes which tear apart ships which pass across them without care. This acts as a potent line of defencedefense against invaders, and was one of the reasons the Sorceress choosehad chosen it to land her tower.{{book ref|tress|59}}{{book ref|tress|62}}
The island is described as "suspiciously circular".{{book ref|tress|59}}
== The Sorceress's Trials ==
There are three known trials that one must pass in order to reach the Sorceress herself upon her island, these trialsthat serve as her defencesdefenses and are the reason as to why itover isher bothtime soon isolatedthe andisland, multiplethe armiesKing's havearmies failed to remove her. The first of these trials is simply to crosscrossing the [[Midnight Sea]] whichitself isto get to the island, full of [[Midnight Essence]] nominally under her control.{{book ref|tress|46}} These 'monsters' as they are called by locals were created by the sorceressSorceress with direct orders from her to quench their thirst by hunting down anyone who enters the sea, the sorceressSorceress herself does not directly control any of the beasts and instead gives them a measure of autonomy.{{book ref|tress|58}} If these are passed one must then pass the next trial which is; her army of metal soldiers,. theseThese soldiers are [[Awakening|awakened]] constructs which also have orders to defend her, and while under more under herexplicit control, they also posses their ownsome autonomy andin are undertheir command to eliminate any threats that try to reach the island without her permission.{{book ref|tress|46}}{{book ref|tress|64}} Finally there is theThe final trial, which is the tower itself.; Thethe tower is perfectly vertical and made of silver, thus making it impossible to enter without using the front door, which only someone from the inside can open.{{book ref|tress|46}}
== Notes ==