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== History ==
=== Early History ===
As a child, Elend was beaten to near death to determine whether he was an Allomancer.{{book ref|mb3|21}} His mother is presumably dead, since he speaks about her in the past tense,{{book ref|mb1|28}} but she had a great influence on him.{{wob ref|1713}} When he was thirteen, his father forced him to sleep with a skaa woman. He was horrified after discovering that she would be killed afterward.{{book ref|mb1|23}} Elend started to Intentionallyintentionally behavedbehave in Waysways that would enrage his father. For exampelexample his clothing was always messy and totoo huge. He blew several engagements whitwith his attitude. In the end however his acts were pointless, and boveboth he and Straff knew it.
He started a drinking group with [[Jastes Lekal]], [[Telden Hasting]], [[Kevoux]], and another young noble, to talk about philosophy and form an alliance to exert pressure on the Lord Ruler.{{book ref|mb1|23}} The group was also at least in part formed to annoy Elend's father.{{book ref|mb1|28}} WhielWhile the other young NobelsNobles were only interested in more independence from the Lord Ruler, Elend showed interest in the [[skaa]] and was horified by the way thethey were treated. He wanted to use his power to improve thiertheir liefslives.
{{image|Lord Elend Venture by Stephanie McCrea Rainosek.jpg|side=left|height=260px}}
=== Pre-Collapse ===
Elend met [[Vin]] (disguised as Valette) at a ball at [[Keep Venture]]. After returning from getting a drink, he found she was in his reading spot.{{book ref|mb1|12}} He began a casual friendship with her, often sitting with her at balls and reading. Vin spread the rumor that he's a friend of her family, showing her the ways of the court, so that potential dancing partners aren't intimidated by her.{{book ref|mb1|18}} When the house war is imminent, Elend decided that "Valette" had to leave Luthadel, because the war would be too dangerous for a little house with no allies.{{book ref|mb1|28}} When she ignored him, he broke off the relationship, hoping that it would encourage her to leave the city.{{book ref|mb1|31}}