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'''Lux''' is a flying city presided over by the Epic [[Lifeforce]]. An Epic named [[Wingflare]] keeps it in the air, and an Epic named [[Cloudbreaker]] controls the weather in Lux, keeping it warm and livable despite the high altitude.{{book ref|lux|15}} Its last known location is over Galveston, Texas.{{bws ref|cover-reveal-for-lux-a-texas-reckoners-novel|Cover Reveal for Lux: A Texas Reckoners Novel|date=2021-06-24}}
Lux flies over Texas, looting and pillaging towns. It has a well founded reputation as a floating paradise, and every few months it drops ladders over a city to allow new residents to climb into the city. Lux is filled with neighborhoods and parks, and when the Reckoners first climb into it there is a carnival going on. New Lux residents are assigned their own house upon entering the city. There are no cars, and many people use bicycles to get around.{{book ref|lux|18}}
Underneath the city lies a series of tunnels that act as the base for Lifeforce’s [[Ravens]], as well as housing the power grid. A large portion of the city’s power is provided by multiple windmills.{{book ref|lux|15}}{{book ref|lux|18}}
== Trivia ==