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== History ==
{{image|The Wind's Pleasure by Kelley Harris.jpg|side=left|width=250px|The ''WindsWind's Pleasure''}}
===Chartered by Shallan===
The ''Wind's Pleasure'' was originally chartered by [[Shallan Davar]] to take her to [[Dumadari]] to meet [[Jasnah Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|6}} Captain Tozbek noted that he was indebted to [[House Davar]] and was happy to have Shallan on board. Upon finding that Jasnah was no longer in Dumadari, Shallan asked Tozbek to continue on to the next city. This pattern repeated as Jasnah moved along the coastline doing research. When the ''Wind's Pleasure'' finally caught up to Jasnah in [[Kharbranth]] and Shallan was taken as Jasnah's ward, Captain Tozbek continued on, trading in other ports. Shallan later sent a note to Tozbek inquiring as to his whereabouts, which he took as a request to pick her up and take her back to [[Jah Keved]]. Shallan also acted as a scribe for Tozbek to offset the cost of her travels.{{book ref|sa1|42}}
=== Final voyageVoyage ===
Jasnah later chartered the ''Wind's Pleasure'' to take her and Shallan down the coast towards the [[Shattered Plains]]. Jasnah paid for the use of one cabin for Shallan and one for herself; Jasnah took the Captain's cabin. At [[Amydlatn]], the ''Wind's Pleasure'' took on a [[new kid|new crew member]].{{book ref|sa2|6}} While traveling down the coast, the ''Wind's Pleasure'' was paced by an exceptionally rare animal called a [[santhid]], which Shallan desperately wanted to sketch. She tied a rope around herself and went overboard in order to see the creature underwater, later producing the first known drawing of a santhid.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
Shortly before reaching the [[Shallow Crypts]], the new member of the crew assisted in an armed takeover of the ''Wind's Pleasure''.{{book ref|sa2|7}} The attackers sought to murder [[Jasnah Kholin]] and retrieve her research; Jasnah was confident that the [[Ghostbloods]] were behind this plot.{{book ref|sa3|33}} Shallan hid during the assault and unconsciously used her [[Surgebinding#Illumination|Lightweaving]] abilities to escape detection.{{book ref|sa2|7}} With [[Pattern]]'s assistance, she then entered [[Shadesmar]] and saw that the crew was being methodically executed. Using her latent [[Soulcasting]] ability, she convinced the ''Wind's Pleasure'' to change so that the crew might have a chance to survive. The ''Wind's Pleasure'' changed into a new form, dropping everyone aboard into the water.{{book ref|sa2|7}} Shallan woke up in the [[Physical Realm]] and believed that the santhid had saved her; neither she nor Pattern knew the fate of the remaining crew members and attackers.{{book ref|sa2|11}}
[[Yalb]] and the two other unknown sailors who survived the sinking of the ''Wind's Pleasure's sinking' struggled at finding a job due to the rumoursrumors about the mysterious disappearance of their ship. Some sailors believed rumors that said the ship hashad been a ghost ship for years, and that iswas the reason it eventually vanished without a trace. Because of the rumors, no one was willing to hire the three survivors togehertogether, and they each went their own way to serve on different ships.{{book ref|Dawnshard|Prologue}}
Shallan and Jasnah each lost their [[spanreed]]s in the sinking of the ''Wind's Pleasure'', which limited their ability to communicate; Jasnah considered the loss a significant setback for her research.{{book ref|sa2|31}}{{book ref|sa3|53}} When Jasnah and Shallan finally met again in [[Urithiru]], Jasnah immediately apologized for the events of the ''Wind's Pleasure'', which she attributed to her own lack of foresight regarding the attack by the Ghostbloods.{{book ref|sa3|33}}
Shallan took a liking to aYalb, flirtywho crewoften memberplayfully namedflirted [[Yalb]]with her. She thought of him when she became upset about the death that seemed to follow her despite her best intentions,{{book ref|sa3|82}} and he was one of the first figures that emerged when Shallan used Lightweaving to create an army during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]].{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Crew ==