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Five months into her apprenticeship, Rysn traveled with her [[babsk]] to [[Shinovar]]. There, they offered [[Soulcast]] metal, which the Shin valued highly because no stone was broken in the process of acquiring it, in exchange for chickens, cloths, and exotic dried meats.
Rysn thought Shinovar very strange because of its different plant life, lack of [[spren]] and strange culture. She called the Shin grass imbecilic, and couldn't understand how it survived [[Highstorm]]s. Her babsk made her take a pot of it and told her to care for it until she no longer found it odd, claiming that it would make her a better trader.
After setting up an [[Alerter]] fabrial, they met with their contact [[Thresh|Thresh-son-Esan]]. Rysn was surprised to learn that soldiers were considered the lowliest of men among the Shin, while farmers were the most respectable, akin to craftsmen or tradesmen in her own culture. Rysn watched as Vstim and Thresh bargained, each one taking pains to explain how worthless their wares were. Rysn, puzzled, found this very uncharacteristic of her ''babsk''. After Vstim and Thresh came to an agreement, Vstim asked Rysn what she learned. Rysn realized that the Shin are a humble people, and in theretheir culture, it was viewed as more honest -- and therefore more moral -- to devalue your products than to overstate their worth.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}
Despite Rysn's initial concerns, the goods they bought from the Shin proved to be very profitable. Rysn ended up naming her pot of grass ''[[Tyvnk]]'' -- meaning "sullen" in Thaylen -- because, rather than being sullen at being so overtly wrong while Vstim was right, she let her grass be so.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}