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m (Shardpool to Perpendicularity)
Under the instructions of [[Dilaf]], the armies of [[Fjorden]] entered [[Arelon]] and attacked Elantris and [[Kae]]. They slaughtered New Elantrians and citizens of Kae alike and gathered all Elantrians and survivors into New Elantris, where they piled the Elantrians and the [[Hoed]] together to burn, and grouped the humans together to go afterwards.{{book ref|Elantris|57}} A few of the humans took a last stand, but were defeated.
As this happened, Raoden was taken to the [[Devotion's ShardpoolPerpendicularity|Pool]] by [[Galladon]] and [[Karata]], after being mortally wounded. He resisted the Pool's release and ran down to Elantris to fix the [[Aon]] it represents. As a result, the Elantrians' [[Reod]] completed, and they started beating the invaders back.
Dilaf kidnapped Sarene and, with [[Hrathen]], jumped to [[Teoras]], where King [[Eventeo]] waited to surrender. Raoden followed and the [[Battle of Teoras]] began.