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m (Content not on Brandon's site anymore)
|Speaking of sequels, here’s what I'm planning. A book that takes place ten years after the events of ''Elantris''. It would occur in the capitol city of [[Fjorden]], and would star [[Kiin]]'s children as viewpoint characters along with a [[seon]] viewpoint character. The plot of the book: [[Wyrn]] has declared that [[Jaddeth]], the [[Derethi]] God, is going to finally return. (A new interpretation of the scriptures says that he'll return when everyone east of the mountains converts, so they don’t have to worry about [[Teod]] and [[Arelon]]) Kiin's family, ambassadors to the Fjordell state, has to deal with the chaos of this announcement, and investigate the truth behind the [[Dakhor]] magic.
|[[Brandon]] on the sequel{{bwswob ref|elantris-reading-group-questions|Elantris Reading Group Questions|date=Sep 27, 200613514}}}}
== Behind the Scenes ==