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The '''Bridge Four''' team are a group of slaves working for Brightlord [[Sadeas]]' army.
The Bridge Four team are a group of slaves working for Brightlord [[Sadeas]]' army. Notorious for it's bad luck, Bridge Four seldom kept a bridge leader for more than a few days and almost always took the highest casualties on bridge runs. A transfer to Bridge Four was often used as a punishment for bridgemen, and the existence of a group worse off than themselves was a mental control used by [[Sadeas]]' men on the rest of the bridge crews.
The Bridge Four team are a group of slaves working for Brightlord [[Sadeas]]' army. Notorious for it's bad luck, Bridge Four seldom kept a bridge leader for more than a few days and almost always took the highest casualties on bridge runs. A transfer to Bridge Four was often used as a punishment for bridgemen, and the existence of a group worse off than themselves was a mental control used by [[Sadeas]]' men on the rest of the bridge crews.
== [[Kaladin]]'s Reform ==
Upon arrival at the bridge yard in [[Sadeas]]' war camp [[Kaladin]] managed to earn the immediate enmity of [[Gaz]], the lieutenant in charge of the bridge crews, who then placed him in Bridge Four. [[Kaladin]] spent several weeks on the bridge crew before deciding to give leading and protecting one more try. Once the decision had been made he quickly turned Bridge Four around, and through his efforts it became the best of the bridge crews, taking the fewest casualties, treating it's wounded and training for escape. At the end of [[The Way of Kings]] Bridge Four rescues Highprince [[Dalinar]] resulting in [[Dalinar]] buying the freedom of all the bridge crews, placing [[Kaladin]] in command of all bridgemen that choose to become soldiers, and requesting Bridge Four as personal bodyguards.