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(Updating info: Elhokar's Shards are the "king's Shards" and were NOT won for him by Dalinar.)
'''Elhokar Kholin''' is the king of [[Alethkar]] directly following his father [[Gavilar]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|5}}{{ref|b|sa1|c|12}}
He is a [[Shardbearer]].<!---, inheritingwhose hisShards shardswere fromwon for him by his fatheruncle, {{ref|b|sa1|c|58}}.[[Dalinar]]-that's not confirmed---> His [[Shardplate]] is painted gold and worn with a blue cape. His [[Shardblade]] is called [[Sunraiser]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|13}}
Elhokar's deep fear of assassination caused him to fake an assassination attempt on his own life by cutting the girth strap on his saddle,{{ref|b|sa1|c|13}}{{ref|b|sa1|c|69}} in order to trigger an investigation on those who wish him dead. Although this rash action placed suspicion on his uncle Dalinar, this method did yield results as it was found that weakened gemstones were placed in his Shardplate by a yet unknown individual.{{ref|b|sa1|c|54}}
==PowersAttributes and Abilities==
As aforementioned, it is theorized that Elhokar could become an innate Soulcaster, one who does not require the use of a fabrial in order to Soulcast.
As these "[[cryptic]]s" are linked with Shallan's ability to Soulcast, it seems likely that Elhokar could have the potential to gain the same abilities.
Elhokar's Shardblade was named [[Sunraiser]] and was described as long and thin with a large crossguard. It was etched with the ten basic glyphs up the sides of the blade.{{ref|b|sa1|c|12}}
