Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Hero of Ages"

added links to sample chapters on Brandon's website
m (fix anno)
m (added links to sample chapters on Brandon's website)
From the very start the process of [[Hemalurgy]] is revealed. [[Marsh]] basks in the pleasure of the fear of the [[Terrisman]] steward tied to the table. Below him is the Inquisitor they are about to create. For a moment, Marsh is able to regain control of his own mind, seeing the horror in what he is about to do, before [[Ruin]] completely subjugates him into continuing the task. He drives a brass spike through the heart of the Terrisman.
*[[bws: mistborn-3-prologue|Prologue]]
{{anchor|Part 1}}
The koloss army comes within sight, setting up camp a little distance from the bulwark of the town. Instead of mounting it for a defensive gambit, however, Elend convinces the town to charge the koloss camp with him while they're tired from marching. At first Elend leads the assault alone, but is shortly joined by Fatren and then the towns-people.
*[[bws: mistborn-3-chapter-one|Chapter 1]]
== Chapter 2 ==
However, TenSoon has enough practice to form the necessary components for speech and asks for judgment. By law, the guards have to grant him his request, though they urge him to accept death than speaking in a public forum and condemning himself to an eternity of suffering. Still, he persists, desiring something more than his own defense.
*[[bws: mistborn-3-chapter-two|Chapter 2]]
== Chapter 3 ==
The combination of Elend and Vin taking control of the koloss one by one pulls a [[Steel Inquisitor]] into the battle as she'd intended. Trying Kelsier's trick of wrenching out the spike in its back Vin finds a metal plate protecting that particular weakness of the Inquisitor's. Soon, Elend joins Vin's struggle as they move the fight to the top of a hill, away from the koloss. They struggle against the Inquisitor's experience but Vin manages to take control of a nearby koloss to kill the Inquisitor moments before it had a chance to kill Elend.
*[[bws: mistborn-3-chapter-three|Chapter 3]]
== Chapter 4 ==
