Difference between revisions of "Summary:Words of Radiance"

—From the Listener Song of Listing, final stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (Mentioned only)
{{Anchor|Chapter 18|}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 69th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 19|}}
[[File:Shallan Flahback Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Balat Davar]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Helaran Davar]]
*[[Lin Davar]]
*Two unnamed Davar maids
Five and a half years ago
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 90th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Tag]] (Mentioned only)
*Two other unnamed deserters
{{Anchor|Chapter 21|}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 33rd stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Bluth]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Yix]] (Mentioned only)
*One unnamed slave
{{Anchor|Chapter 22|}}
—From the Listener Song of Winds, 4th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 23|}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 17th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
*An unnamed member of the King's Guard
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Torol Sadeas]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 24|}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 27th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Vamah]] (Mentioned only)
{{Anchor|Chapter 25|}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 127th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 26|}}
—From the Listener Song of Wars, 55th stanza}}
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (Point of view)
*[[Inkima]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
*[[Teft]] (Probably)
{{Anchor|Chapter 27|}}
[[File:Shallan Flahback Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Jushu Davar]]
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Balat Davar]]
*[[Helaran Davar]]
*[[Lin Davar]]
Five years ago
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 40th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Moash]] (Possibly)
{{Anchor|Chapter 29|}}
—From the Listener Song of Revision, 279th stanza}}
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (Point of view)
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 30|}}
—From the Listener Song of Histories, 12th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Glurv]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (Mentinoned only)
{{Anchor|Chapter 31|}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 51st stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*An unnamed caravan worker
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Jal Mala]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 32|}}
—From the Listener Song of Spren, 9th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view))
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 33|}}
—From the Listener Song of Spren, 10th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (Point of view)
*[[Beld]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[Navani Kholin]]
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
{{Anchor|Chapter 34|}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, final stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (Mentioned only)
*[[Valam]] (Mentioned only)
