Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar!
Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.{{book ref|sa3|45}} many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}
Some Alethi live as herdsmen.{{book ref|sa1|1}}
- Slavery -
This part is about Scadrian airships
Roshar does not experience true seasons, with them instead simply being defined by current temperature, climate, and storms, unrelated to irradiance.{{wob ref|11448}} These seasons are relatively random, and are often quite short, usually lasting only a few weeks.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|64}} They can be roughly predicted by stormwardens. Seasons are primarily defined by changes in the storms.{{wob ref|11448}} Due to not being caused by axial tilt, they can vary greatly even between relatively nearby nations on the same hemisphere.{{book ref|sa3|64}} Further to the east, where the highstorms are the strongest, even such measures are not enough. There, plants grow mostly in sheltered areas, such as the [[Shattered Plains|chasms]] and [[lait]]s, while remaining sparse in the open air.{{file ref|Lait.jpeg|Shallan's sketchbook: Lait}} More fragile flora, such as vines and weeds, grow and flourish in such terrain, though some, like [[knobweed]], seem to prefer flatlands, utilizing highstorms deliberately to spread.
Contrarily, in the west where highstorms are weakened by the mountain ranges, plants are much less sensitive to stimulation and retract their leaves more slowly.
Roshar does have larger flora. Some trees, including the aforementioned [[dalewillow]], have trunks made of stone while others, such as the [[jella]], augment their wooden bark by accumulating crem. Like rockbuds, they withdraw their fronds into the trunks when sensing danger. There are also species such as [[makam]] and [[cobwood]], which appear to be sturdy enough to sustain highstorms without added protection.{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa2|66}}
Rosharan grass is known to move away from disruptions or vibrations, often fully retracting to protect itself.{{wob ref|13363}}{{cite}} It is type of shallowly burrowed seed pod that has enough room to hold moisture and contain the coiled up leaf. They at most grow to around three feet tall. Seeds emerge from the leaf tip to either be consumed and redeposited as faeces, or carried and redesposited by the wind.{{wob ref|13363}}
;Human uses
Some species of native Rosharan flora are edible for humans. This includes a number of fruits as well as a rice-like plant called [[tallew]], and [[lavis]], a type of rockbud that produces grain. Tallew, lavis, and longroot appear to be the major ingredients of Rosharan diet, with massive farmlands devoted to them throughout the continent.{{book ref|sa1|4}} In the West, the same niche appears to be filled by [[clema]].{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}
Additionally, there exist a number of plants with known healing properties. This includes antiseptics, such as the sap of [[knobweed]] and [[fourleaf]], as well as [[lister's oil]]; treatments for specific diseases, such as [[bitterleaf]] for epilepsy and [[bloodivy]] for the [[grindings]]; anesthetics like [[winterwort]] and [[firemoss]]; and other, more specific medicines, such as [[denocax salve|denocax]], which encourages skin healing.
By contrast, several species of plant are noted to have detrimental effect on humans. Firemoss is known to be highly addictive, and [[blackbane]]'s leaves, once dried, are extremely poisonous. Eating shells of rockbuds is similarly known to be unhealthy, although the [[Unkalaki]] are capable of eating them without problems, likely thanks to their [[singer]] ancestry.{{wob ref|930}} While not all plants are edible, some, like [[breachtree]] and [[narbin]], are grown to make fabrics.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}
{{image|Chasmfiend.jpeg|side=right|width=250px|A Chasmfiend, with gleaming [[mandra]]s surrounding it. They allow the greatshell to exist despite its enormous size.}}
==== Fauna ====
Roshar contains a wide variety of fauna, most of which appears to be shelled. While most creatures are native to the world, some have been introduced into Roshar during human exodus from [[Ashyn]], among them mammals and birds.
Like Rosharan flora, the animals of Roshar have also adapted to their unusual circumstances. Several species, including the largest, grow massive shells which can protect them from highstorms. Others hide in dens or, in case of small [[sarpenthyn]], ooze between the cracks in the rock.
;Spren symbiosis
Multiple native species, as well as at least one imported animal, have formed symbiotic relationships with [[spren]]. This appears to be faciliated by gemhearts, crystals that grow naturally within the bodies of those creatures.
* Larger animals on Roshar utilize bonds with [[mandra]]s, or luckspren, to decrease the pull of gravity on them, allowing creatures such as [[chasmfiend]]s to exist without collapsing upon themselves. In the case of [[skyeel]]s, the same bond, coupled with smaller size, permits them to fly.
* The native sentient species, the [[Singer]]s, bond with a variety of spren to attain a number of forms, which alter their mental state, biological functions and appearance. While bonded, the spren remain within the gemheart.
* [[Ryshadium]] bond with what appears to be musicspren, attaining higher intelligence and physical strength. It is, however, unclear so far whether or not they have gemhearts.{{au ref|rosharan}}
* The fish in the [[Purelake]] gain various medicinal benefits through spren bonds.{{wob ref|2109}}
;Non-shelled animals
Mammals dwell mostly in Shinovar, though a few species have been successfully exported east. Those include horses, which are widely used as far east as Alethkar, and hogs, which are the primary source of non-Soulcast meat. While most mammals are domesticated, hogs, as well as minks and rats,{{book ref|sa1|3}} can be found in the wild. Several species of birds are known to exist, although they are all known as "chickens" among Rosharans. This includes actual chickens as well as more colorful birds, such as parrots. In contrast to mammals, they do not seem to do well in the wild, as all examples observed so far are domesticated. Amphibians, such as the [[lurg]] can also be found, as well as wide variety of fish, including both fresh- and seawater ones. Cephalopods also exist, albeit with unusual properties - [[zatalef]], for example, is described as bat-like, implying the ability to fly.{{file ref|Alethi_Glyphs_Page_1.jpg}} A category without a clear Earth analogue are [[sarpenthyn]], which appear to be similar to both mollusks and cephalopods, albeit without shells and with smaller number of arms.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
;Shelled animals
The largest known group of animals on Roshar are crustaceans. Those can be of various sizes, from finger-long to four-stories-high. They are all noted as having violet blood and multiple stages of life, with the initial stage being called a larva and the process of switching between stages called pupation.{{file ref|Chull_Life_Cycle.jpeg|Chull Life Cycle}} The creation of shells is aided by the presence of crem in the rain, which the creatures can process into minerals.
One of the largest crustacean family are [[cremling]]s, a group of tiny, multi-legged scavengers preying mostly on deceased animals, although they will also feed on uncovered plants after highstorms. Cremlings come in variety of colors, with different features, numbers of legs, and behaviours. While most are individuals, some are part of the [[Sleepless]] swarms, and as such share a sentient hivemind. The [[Sleepless]] cremlings are bred for particular purposes, such as imitating human body parts.
{{image|Shallan And The Santhid.png|side=right|width=250px|A Santhid. Roshar's greatest creatures are far larger than humans.}}
Other than the cremlings, Roshar also features a number of larger crustaceans that are nonetheless smaller than humans. This group includes predatory species, such as the [[axehound]], herbivores like [[axehind]], and near-cremling sized creatures like [[legger]]s and [[larkin]], as well as species that can be found on Earth, like crabs.{{book ref|sa3|63}} The larkin in particular are unusual for their flight, as well as the ability to pull Stormlight out of other creatures and absorb it.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
The largest family of animals on Roshar are known as [[greatshell]]s, which exist both on land and in the seas. All greatshells possess gemhearts and utilize them to attract [[mandra]]s to decrease their own weight. The land greatshells include domesticated herbivores known as [[chull]]s and two large predatory species, the [[chasmfiend]] and the extinct [[lanceryn]]. The marine greatshells include the [[yu-nerig]], which comes on land to pupate and is known to feed on humans,{{book ref|sa1|40}} and the [[Tai-na]], the largest animals known to inhabit the cosmere. Their legs are said to be sixty feet long, while the body itself stretches hundreds of feet tall. The back of Tai-na, which sticks out above water, is an ecosystem of its own, inhabited by multiple species of plants and animals, as well as humans.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}
The [[santhid]], a massive marine species with large shell and a number of tendrils, might be considered a greatshell, and houses its own ecosystem, much like the Tai-na; however, as they were considered half-mythical until very recently, it's impossible to state so with any certainty.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
Large number of domesticated creatures on Roshar are the imports from Ashyn. All forms of birds are domesticated; some for food, while others as pets. Hogs are kept for meat, minks, like birds, are pets, while horses are common riding mounts. Of the local wildlife, axehounds are often kept and bred, similar to dogs, while chulls are the primary mount for hauling cargo or for riders who cannot afford to keep a horse. Another greatshell species called a [[gumfrem]] is kept for its gemhearts, which can be used to [[Soulcast]] meat.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
== Geography ==
{{image|Alethkar Color.jpg|side=right|width=300px|Map of Alethkar. Alethi territories (barring the [[Shattered Plains]]) are marked in purple.}}
=== Borders and Territories ===
Alethkar lies in eastern [[Roshar]], stretching across the entire continent, from the [[Steamwater Ocean]] in the North to the [[Tarat Sea]] in the South-West. To the East, it leans on the [[Unclaimed Hills]], while to the South, it reaches the nationless [[Frostlands]] and the [[Shattered Plains]], the latter of which it has recently claimed for itself. To the West, Alethkar has a long and long-disputed border with [[Jah Keved]], which currently follows two rivers and the bend of the [[Sunmaker Mountains]]. To the North-West, Alethkar borders [[Herdaz]] across a stretch of land decided through many years of border conflicts.{{map ref|Roshar}}{{book ref|sa3|52}}
It has an area around 7,134,000 km<sup>2</sup>.{{17s ref|blog|634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|date=2018-08-30|name=RosharAreas}}
Besides the mainland, the Alethi have a number of territories off the coast. On the [[Steamwater Ocean]], Alethkar has [[Akak]] and a number of surrounding islands, giving it complete control over the [[Bay of Elibath]]. On the [[Tarat Sea]] - more specifically, a region of it called [[Mevan Bay]] - it controls a number of small islands in the delta of [[Deathbend River]], near the city of [[Karanak]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
=== Interior ===
At the tail end of the [[Era of Solitude]], Alethkar is the largest state on Roshar, covering around seven million square kilometers of land.{{ref|name=RosharAreas}} Despite the fact that it is far more exposed to the [[highstorm]]s than any country further West, large swathes of it are lush with animals and vegetation.{{book ref|sa3|5}} It has numerous rivers crossing it, the two major ones being [[Windrunner River|Windrunner]] and [[Deathbend River|Deathbend]]. The Windrunner River runs East to West, from Unclaimed Hills to the Bay of Elibath, and has numerous tributaries across the northern half of the country. The Deathbend River likewise starts in the Unclaimed Hills, though it turns South, ultimately ending in the Mevan Bay, with one of its major tributaries being an enormous lake called the [[Sea of Spears]]. The North and South of Alethkar are divided by a long, cross-shaped masiff called the [[Sunmaker Mountains]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
=== Climate ===
Due to how far east it is, Alethkar is buffeted by particularly heavy highstorms. This forces settlements to primarily be built on the leeward sides of laits.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{cite}} These leeward sides are also far more lush with plant life, due to the protection the liats provide from powerful highstorm winds.{{file ref|Lait.jpeg|Lait study}}
Even low altitude much higher then a coinshot can reach.
=== Notable cities ===
<!-- That the city has a name does not make it notable, so let's not list every city on the map -->
{{for|Alethkar#Known_Princedoms|a more complete list|here}}
* [[Kholinar]] - the seat of [[House Kholin]] and the national capital following Alethkar's unification. The [[Alethela]] [[Oathgate]] is located there.
* [[Rathalas]] - ruined city once known for being constructed in a massive canyon for safety. It was burned down by [[Dalinar Kholin]] following the rebellion of the local [[highprince]], [[Tanalan]].
* [[Revolar]] - one of the largest cities in the [[Vamah]] princedom. During the [[True Desolation]], it's taken over by the [[Voidbringer]]s and used as a major assembly point for their armies.
* [[Hearthstone]] - a large town in the [[Sadeas princedom]], and home of [[Kaladin Stormblessed]].
* [[Dumadari]] - a major city on the border of Alethkar and [[Jah Keved]].
