Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
no edit summary
Hello everyone, I am Nightstar The Bright. I really enjoy reading Brandon Sanderson’s books, sometime after I read them all I began editing the Coppermind.
Hey everyone, I died as a normal man and returned as Nightstar The Bright! New Scholar and Arcanist.
Notable pages I reworked
But seriously, I write mostly Nalthian articles sprinkled with some Canticle pages.
* [[Court of Gods]]
* [[Iridescent Tones]]
* [[Listener]]
* [[Duladel]]
* [[Pahn Kahl]]
* [[Jah Keved]]
* [[Fjorden]]
* [[T'Telir]]
* [[Hallandren]]
* [[Idris]]
*[[Final Empire]]
! The following text is a collection of the information about Alethkar!
I’m currently fixing up all the Five Scholars with nice pages.
==Appearance ==
=== God king’s palace ===
The palace of the [[Susebron|God King]] is located at the far side of the Court of Gods,{{book ref|wb|4}} directly opposite to the court’s gates. It is large, far larger then the other palaces{{book ref|wb|4}} and is pyramidal in shape, formed of large square blocks.
Every city has a little huddle of buildings for caravaneers and the likes. Also large stormbunkers to house armies or multiple caravans.{{book ref|sa3|45}} many small villages have a central cistern to catch rain water and filter out the crem. Alethi is used widely throughout the eastern world to make the underscript of a book. Also, lots of Alethi epics, which are famous even outside Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|i|2}}
Because the God king represents all colors, the rooms where the God King stays are each coloured differently.{{book ref|wb|6}} The stone walls are still black however, so coloring is achieved by filling the room with silks and tiles of a specific color.{{book ref|wb|6}} The palace is divided into two area’s, the inner part, where the God king resides, in this area the rooms are all coloured,{{book ref|wb|24}}and the outer part, this is the servants area, inside this area the rooms are all black.{{book ref|wb|24}} Some rooms have windows to the outside.{{book ref|wb|8}} Most rooms in the palace don’t have a dedicated purpose, instead the servants bring in furniture when it is needed.{{book ref|wb|8}} Because of this most things in the palace are portable, like for example bathtubs.{{book ref|wb|8}} There are lots of storage rooms in the palace.{{book ref|wb|8}} There is a way to get to the top of the palace{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|56}}
=== Returned palaces ===
Additionally all the [[Returned]] have their own palace in the Court.{{book ref|wb|3}} These palaces are arranged in a ring. While the palaces are the same color as the Returned who inhabits it, they are painted with many different hues, only visible for someone of the third [[heightening]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The palaces contain dozens of rooms. These rooms are filled with the finest decorations imaginable.{{book ref|wb|3}} While the palaces do have hallways, these are for the servants.{{book ref|wb|3}} At the center of a palace is a small room, in this room the residing Returned feasts on the breath of a child.{{book ref|wb|3}}
- Slavery -
A slaver must provide the reason someone was sold into slavery when he sells the slave, it is illegal to lie.{{book ref|sa1|4}}
Each red was different, like notes on a musical scale. The walls were of pure red. The roof tiles, side columns, and other ornamentations were of slightly different shades, each distinct and intentional. The columns, for instance, formed stepping fifths of color, harmonizing with the base tint of the walls.
|Vivenna describing a Returned palace
Another room is the offering room, this room is long and thin and is completely white,{{book ref|wb|3}} something very unusual in Hallandren. This room is used to show the offerings which were made to a Returned,{{book ref|wb|3}} these will in turn rate the paintings.{{book ref|wb|3}} Petitions are heard in the petition hall, which is another room.{{book ref|wb|3}}
Due to Hallandren’s climate the palaces don’t have actual walls, and are separated by little more then cloth. The Returned do employ guards, however these aren’t meant to actually protect the palaces, and are unarmed.{{book ref|wb|21}} The guards instead prevent people from entering the palaces without a reason.{{book ref|wb|21}}
This part is about Scadrian airships
=== Arena ===
Just outside of the ring of palaces, at the back of the Court, is an arena.{{book ref|wb|14}} This arena has a circular shape and is very ornate, although not to large.{{book ref|wb|14}} The Arena lacks a roof and its floor is made out of sand.{{book ref|wb|14}} There are many benches for the common people to sit on, while the gods enjoy clefts carved into the building.{{book ref|wb|14}} These boxes are located at the tops of the arena, so everyone have to look up at them, they also have holes in them for the canopy of a [[Returned|God]].{{book ref|wb|14}} The [[God King]] sits on a golden throne on a stone outcropping, this outcropping is located at the very top of the arena.
Even low altitude much higher then a coinshot can reach.
The arena is a source of entertainment for the [[Returned]], but the priests debate here as well, informing the Returned about the current political situation.{{book ref|wb|14}} A lot of the larger events are held here.{{book ref|wb|14}} It also allows the common people to see the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} The floor of the arena can be furnished as needed, in the case of a debate for example a number of pedestals would be put down.{{book ref|wb|14}}
