Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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The ruling monarch traditionally takes the first [[dahn]].{{wob ref|4006}} This means that he socially outranks anyone, including the highprinces, except for the monarchs of other powerful Vorin nations.
==== Rules of Succesion ====
After a monarch, most often a king, has died, a member of his family will ascend to the throne. This is generally his eldest son.{{book ref|sa2|31}} After the heir ascends the throne his [[dahn]] changes from second to first.{{wob ref|4006}} The death of a monarch might also lead to a civil war, with each of the highprinces attempting to claim the throne.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
== Culture ==
{{image|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|side=right|width=200px|Veden man wearing the latest fashion}}
=== Peoples ===
Jah Keved is comprised of at least four distinct ethnic groups - Veden, [[Silnasen|Siln]], [[Bavland|Bav]] and [[Unkalaki]].
==== Veden ====
|While your food sits well in my stomach, the amount of bowing and scraping you show ardents made me uncomfortable.
When a Veden couple marries, the spouses retain their family names.{{wob ref|14904}} The children of the couple all use the surname of only one parent;{{book ref|sa1|5}} it's unclear whether it's always the father's, or if it depends on the parents' relative [[dahn]]s.
==== Siln and Bav ====
The Siln people live in and around the southern city of [[Silnasen]]. They are noted as being less technologically advanced than the rest of the country, with highly ritualized warfare.{{book ref|sa2|54}} Their apparent independence from Veden rule may stem from the fact that they were once a sovereign city-state.{{wob ref|4006}}
The Bav people live in [[Bavland]], a small region in the south-western corner of the country. They are mostly miners, and have their own language and culture largely separate from that of the Veden.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
==== Unkalaki ====
{{for|Unkalaki|more information on the Unkalaki people}}
The Unkalaki - or Horneaters, as they are called by outsiders - live on top of the mountains known as [[Horneater Peaks]]. They are one of several peoples with [[Singer]] ancestry, and have some attributes that set them apart from other Rosharan humans, such as their unusually strong teeth (which is where the "Horneater" nickname comes from) and the ability to occasionally hear the Rhythms.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{wob ref|930}} Red hair is also a typically Unkalaki feature, and are a mark of Horneater ancestry on a person from outside the Peaks.
