Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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- Geographyfood -
Veden saph, sapphire. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
Little [[sarpenthyn]].{{book ref|sa2|55}} The Vedens cultivate [[shum]] and Breachtree, which they make into textiles.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
- Fashion -
- Trade -
Many things are traded through and in Northgrip. From there merchants bring goods to the rest of the country.{{book ref|sa2|19}} Like in other Vorin countries, aside from Lighteyes, only darkeyes of the first and second [[Nahn]] can become merchants.{{book ref|sa2|45}} Lighteyes engage in trade deals with each other, hoping to get favour with higher Dahn lighteyes. Raw shum is worth about 10 clearmarks a bag. A lord who wishes to make use of the roads for trade needs to pay for the patrols and maintenance of those roads. This money is given back to the villages where the materials are harvested or made.{{book ref|sa2|45}} As with many other nations on Roshar, their economy was based upon [[Spheres|glass spheres with cut polestones in their center]], known simply as spheres. In the mint, they check sphere weights in order to see if they fell into the proper categories.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The value of polestones, and thus the worth of sphere denominations in their economy, is based around the value of the substances a polestone can transmute another substance into.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} The Veden people cultivate [[shum]] and [[Breachtree]], which they make into textiles.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
=== The Market ===
Unlike other varieties of Vorinism, the Alethi are not required to be personally devout, or to perform religious ceremonies. While each citizen is supposed to pick their [[Calling]] and Glory -- their goal in life, and the aspect of the Almighty they wish to emulate{{book ref|sa1|18}} -- the actual religious part of the religion is handled by the ardents, who perform the requisite rituals and prayers for their masters, so as to reassure them of their righteousness.{{book ref|sa3|89}} The Alethi themselves rarely interact with the Almighty, save for an occassional glyphward or prayer.{{book ref|sa3|15}}
! The following part is a rework of the Jah Keved page !
'''Jah Keved''' is one of the five [[Vorinism|Vorin Kingdoms]] on [[Roshar]], situated in the eastern half of the continent. Its capital is [[Vedenar]].{{book ref|sa1|33}} Someone from Jah Keved is called a Veden person.
== Geography and Ecology ==
{{image|Jah Keved on the World Map.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Jah Keved on the world map}}
Located in eastern Roshar, Jah Keved is the second largest state on the planet, claiming around 5,553,000 Km<sup>2</sup>.{{17s ref|blog|634|Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|date=9-30-2018}} In terms of real-world nations, this places it between India and Australia in area. It shares its eastern border with [[Alethkar]] and [[Herdaz]] on three rivers, while in the west, it is bordered by [[Tu Bayla]] and [[Triax]]. North to south, the country stretches across the entire continent, between the [[Reshi Sea | Reshi]] and [[Tarat Sea |Tarat]] Seas.
Though verdant, Jah Keved doesn't possess many major rivers. The country's most notable geographical feature are the [[Horneater Peaks]] in the east, which form an important strategic barrier against the Alethi.{{map ref|Roshar}}
==== NotableFlora Locationsand Fauna ====
Jah Keved contains a wide variety of animals and plants. Common species include [[axehound]]s and [[chull]]s, both of which are domesticated.{{book ref|sa2|61}}{{book ref|sa2|45}} There are also many species of [[cremling]]s and small [[sarpenthyn]].{{book ref|sa2|27}}{{book ref|sa2|55}} Aside from that, there is a relatively large number of horses in Jah Keved, although these are extremely expensive.{{book ref|sa2|77}} Much of Jah Keved is overgrown, especially with vines, so much so that it is hard to walk without tripping. Going into a wooded area often requires a machete. There are also many rockbuds, a number of which have blossoms and vibrant green vines.{{book ref|sa2|54}} The [[jella]] tree is a common species, and [[shalebark]] grows on nearly everything.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
=== Notable Locations ===
==== Regions ====
*[[Horneater Peaks]] - Massive mountains on the eastern side of the country, the Peaks are the home of the [[Unkalaki]] people. Despite their high altitude, the mountaintops are habitable thanks to a series of hot lakes known as the [[Horneater Oceans]].{{book ref|sa3|110}}
