Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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==== Animal husbandry and Hunting ====
They also practice animal husbandry and hunting. They are known to have domesticated [[chull]]s.{{book ref|sa4|62}} They also keep hogs, which are herded around by groups of listeners,{{book ref|sa4|62}} because of this they have access to hogsmeat and hogshide leather.{{book ref|Sa4|48}}
The listeners also hunt [[chasmfiend]]s, although they only do this during certain seasons.{{book ref|Sa4|48}} The listeners were willing to share the chasmfiends with the Alethi, believing that anyone who went through the trouble of killing the beast was entitled to its corpse.{{book ref|sa1|36}} During a[[greatshell]] hunt likemultiple families band together and use their [[Shardwielding|Shards]] to kill the animal. The listeners then share the corpse and gemheart with eachother, and a feast thisensues.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
== Government ==
=== Foreign Policy and International relationship ===
==== Alethkar ====
Treaty:The listeners have a very rocky relationship with the [[Alethkar|Alethi]]. The treatyAlethi containswere clausesthe forfirst favouredhumans tradeto statusbe anddiscovered mutualby borderthe crossinglisteners.{{book Itref|sa4|45}} alsoAfter allowsa forcouple oneof partyexpeditions the Alethi wished to legallyformalise attacktheir relationship. The listeners agreed and a treaty was signed.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} This treaty contained clauses to simplify trade between the otherpeoples partyand for mutual border crossing. The treaty preventsalso prevented the listeners from trading their Shards to other kingdoms without first coming to Alethkar. Besides these clauses the treaty also allowed for one party to legally attack the other party.{{book ref|sa4|77}}
After the Alethi king [[Gavilar]] revealed to one of the listeners, [[Eshonai]], that he was going to return their gods the listeners decided to assassinate him.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} The assassination attempt was successful, and the Alethi highprinces [[Vengeance Pact|swore]] to destroy the listeners. This started the [[War of Reckoning]], a war between the Alethi and the listeners. The War of Reckoning went on for six years and eventually ended in the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}
=== Military ===
Listener soldiers use Warform, this grants them strong carapace armor as well as increased strength.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Though not as strong or resilient as someone with Shardplate, warform listeners are a real threat to regular human soldiers. Their strength allows them to use heavy weapons like battleaxes, hammers, spears and sometimes clubs or swords.{{book ref|sa1|40}}{{book ref|Sa4|45}} They are also capable of jumping far enough to cross the chasms on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa1|27}} Most of the steel weapons owned by the listeners are either of [[Alethkar|Alethi]] origin or have been passed down from parent to child starting at the abandonment of the old gods.{{book ref|Sa4|81}} The listeners are also fond of bows, which are made from horn,{{book ref|sa1|55}} and two-handed slings,{{book ref|sa1|65}} although bows were viewed as to deadly to wield against other listeners.{{book ref|sa4|68}} Some listeners carry large shields called [[stormshield]]s when going out into a highstorm, however it is unknown if this type of shield is also used in combat.{{book ref|Sa4|88}} It is considered the duty of each warrior to care for his ancient weapon and make his own arrows.{{book ref|Sa4|45}}
The listeners had eight sets of [[Shardplate]] and eight [[Shardblade]]s,{{book ref|sa4|68}} although they gradually lost all of themthese during the War of Reckoning however.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} It is considered forbidden for these shards to be wielded against other listeners, they were originally used only for [[greatshell]] hunts, although they were also used to fight the [[Alethkar|Alethi]] during the [[War of Reckoning]]. Before this war it was tradition that when one of the proper eight listener cities was conquered the defeated family would relinquish their shards to the victors.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
Regular soldiers often wear simple garments that are tailored around their warform carapace. Some of them also wear long coats, although these aren’t worn into battle. The listener general wears a cap on their skullplate and a tight red cloth as a cape.{{book ref|Sa2|i|4}} The listeners dressed their soldiers in white, believing that a man should be able to see his own death coming, white also signals to other listeners that a battle is coming, instead of a different interaction such as trade.{{book ref|Sa4|68}} Because of this they also dress assassins in white.{{book ref|Sa1|prologue}} This changed during the War of Reckoning, although it is unknown why.{{book ref|sa1|65}}
==== Funerary Practises ====
The listeners revere their dead, even going so far as to endanger the living to preserve the corpses of the fallen. For example, they would take roundabout paths of attack to avoid their fallen while fighting on a battlefield.{{book ref|sa1|57}} They find it horrible to touch their dead, and will fervently attack anyone who does so.{{book ref|sa1|56}}{{book ref|sa1|62}} Listeners also consider gemhearts sacred and personal.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
Listeners consider gemhearts sacred and personal, however a [[Fused]] mocks this, saying that gemhearts were just another part of a singer body.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
=== Families ===
