Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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== Government ==
=== Monarchy ===
Teod is an absolute monarchy. The King during the [[Reod]] and the Fjordell invasion of Teod was called [[Eventeo]].
=== Foreign Policy and International Relationships ===
==== Arelon ====
==== Fjorden ====
The Teo have antagonistic relations with the [[Fjorden|Fjordell]].{{book ref|Elantris|6}} The Fjordell are the archenemies and historical rivals of the Teo.{{book ref|Elantris|5}} Teod is also the homeland of Shu-Korath, while Fjorden is a Derethi nation, further fueling their rivalry.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}
Ten years after the [[Reod]] the Fjordell invaded Teod, sailing their navy straight to [[Teoras]].{{book ref|Elantris|62}} The invasion was rebuffed when [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] was restored and an army of [[Elantrians]], the allies of the Teo, arrived at Teoras.{{book ref|Elantris|62}} The invasion significantly worsened the relations between the Teo and the Fjordell.
== Culture ==
=== People ===
==== Ethnicity ====
==== Marriage ====
==== Sports and Arts ====
=== Script ===
==== Aonic script ====
=== Religion ===
it was expected that both partners would be present when they were married. The time between a person’s death and their funeral is short. the lecturers at her father’s academy had been skilled at saying nothing with lots of words, Leky Stick as a child—borrowing the name of the tall thin post that marked the goal line in his favorite sport. Minister Naolen Of Teod.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} unusual height and blond Teoish hair. The Aons formed a logographic alphabet used in Arelon and Teod until the development of a phonetic alphabet. 1) A language spoken in Arelon and Teod. It was originally based on the Aons. 2) A racial group that originated in Teod. People of Aonic descent are characterized by blonde hair and tall frames. Most people in Teod are pure Aonic, while those in Arelon have intermixed more with the eastern nations. Ashgress The Fjordell ambassador to Teod. MaeDal Second day of the week according to the Aonic calendar.
