Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
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== Culture ==
it was expected that both partners would be present when they were married. The time between a person’s death and their funeral is short. We shouldn’t have kept ourselves so removed from Arelon these last ten years, Ashe,” she said. “I probably wouldn’t be in this predicament if we had forged strong ties with the new Arelish government ten years ago. Your father was afraid their political turmoil would infect Teod,” Ashe said. “Not to mention the Reod—no one was certain that whatever struck the Elantrians wouldn’t affect normal people as well the lecturers at her father’s academy had been skilled at saying nothing with lots of words, Leky Stick as a child—borrowing the name of the tall thin post that marked the goal line in his favorite sport. Minister Naolen Of Teod.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} unusual height and blond Teoish hair. “Anything is better than Fjordell rule. {{book ref|Elantris|5}} Teod, however, was the homeland of Shu-Korath{{book ref|Elantris|6}}
it was expected that both partners would be present when they were married. The time between a person’s death and their funeral is short.{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
The capital of Teod is [[Teoras]], and its ruler is King [[Eventeo]].{{book ref|elantris|17}}
