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'''Khrissalla's Journal''' is a series of pages written by thenoted [[Realmatic Theory|Realmatic Scholar]] scholar [[Khrissalla|Duchess KrissallaKhrissalla]] of [[Elis]] on the [[Darkside]] of [[Taldain]]. Khriss uses her journal to chronicle her trip to [[Dayside]] and record her observations of Dayside society and culture, as well as her experiments with the [[Sand mastery]].
== Entries ==
| [[Aisha]]! || || An Exclamation. "Sand!" or "Sand Lord!"
| [[A'Karkar]] || || High Priest and leader of the Ker'Reenreen faith.
| [[Sandling#Species|a'keldar]] || pl. a'keldarin || Great sand wolf. Cousin to keldar, pl. keldarin
| [[Ker'Naisha]] || || Kerztian for "Sand Lord."
| [[Ker'Reen_Philosophy|Ker'reen]] || || State religion of Kerzta, focusing on a strict adherence to the Sand Lord and his laws.
| [[Kerzta]] || || Largest and most technologically advanced nation on Dayside.
| [[Rim Kingdoms]] || || Nations beyond Dayside's northwest[1] mountains.
| [[Ry'Do_Ali_River|Ry'Do AliDoAli]] || || Kerztian for "The Vein of Cursed Waters." River that runs through the middle of Lossand.
| [[Ry'Kensha]] || || "Cursed One." Kerztian word for sand master.
It's important to note that these hours shift depending on several things, including which nation or even neighborhood onone lives in, sometimes depending upon one's Profession, or even upon local moonrise and moonset. But in general, Taishin Standard Time is becoming more common, even within the nation of Kerzta, which is often reticent to adopt anything of Lossandin origin.
=== Dayside Coinage ===
The nation of Lossand has eight main professions, which act something like guilds, one of which is the Profession of the sand masters, also called the Diem. "The Diem" not only refers to the sand master Profession and to the body of sand masters as a whole but also to the complex of buildings that stands as the Profession's headquarters.
The Diem is located on the Ry'Do AliDoAli's west bank, outside of the main districts of Kezare, primarily found on the main island around which the river splits.
Once a year, the Diem gathers at a secluded location at the base of Mount KraeDa to award ranks and participate in contests to show off skill and power in sand mastery.
What I need is more access to sand masters willing to demonstrate their abilities. This will help me know specifically how sand mastery can be used as a weapon against Skathan and will also help me understand exactly how sand mastery works. There must be connections between anomalies I've found with the planet, starmarks, and sand mastery. Just like an ecosystem is connected, intertwined, and symbiotic, could the underlying power that keeps our planet in orbit also be the underlying power that fuels - dare I call it this? - magical elements that seem outside the order of nature?
=== Dayside Food ===
{{image|Dayside_Food_Zaidon.jpg|side=right|width=200px|Sketch of ZaiDon shapes.}}
A type of soft, flexible jerky eaten with every Dayside meal. It's made by using water to melt sandlings (big or small), carapace and all, into a greenish-brown paste that is seasoned and spiced as it dries in the sun. Some varieties are thick, others thin, and they melt in your mouth as you chew them, a sensation I'm still not accustomed to.
{{image|Dayside_Food_Vegetables.jpg|side=left|width=175px|Sketch of Dayside vegetables.}}
Note: Some sandlings taste better than others, in flavors ranging from buttery to gamy and wild.
Second note: avoid ZaiDon spiced with a pungent black powder called ashawen. It's a favored Kerztian spice, but I find it nearly inedible.
Most vegetables, especially in the Kerla, are grown beneath the surface of the sand. A farm might look like a camp of shepherds guarding a sand dune.
{{image|Dayside_Food_Bread.jpg|side=right|width=175px|Sketch of Dayside klam.}}
Made from the stunted grains that grow in the sandy soil on the banks of the Ry'DoAli. Varieties include rectangular pieces of flat bread called klam to bread cakes both sweet and savory.
{{image|Dayside_Food_Sauces.jpg|side=left|width=175px|Sketch of a sauce used with meals.}}
ZaiDon, bread, and vegetables are often eaten with a variety of sauces, dips, chutneys and tapenades. Some of these are extremely good, like the creamy one that tastes sweet and a little garlicky. Others are made with ashawen and other peppery Kerztian spices, which I avoid as much as I can.
Served cold - almost chilled - which I must admit is refreshing, considering Dayside's constant heat. Add ZaiDon to thicken it up. Often filled with large chunks of fresh or pickled vegetables.
Water is the drink of choice on Dayside and is readily available along the Ry'DoAli or wherever dorim vines grow.
Originally from Darkside, grapes don't grow well in extreme heat, have to be watered constantly and need portable shade tarps that are put in place every time the vines look too wilted. There are a few vineyards that produce the grapes and raisins used in wines and desserts, but even these are small and berrylike compared to the succulent fare I'm accustomed to. (I joked with Kenton that Darkside grows grapes and Dayside grows raisins. He wasn't amused)
Dayside wine is expensive and hard to find. Detha, an effervescent drink from southern Lossand, is mild and refreshing.
Bowls, plates, cups and utensils cannot be made from untreated carapace, otherwise they would melt. Most dinnerware, as you might expect in a land with no dearth of sand, is made from glass, pottery, or in rare cases, crystal.
=== Sand Mastery Test ===
Mystery surrounds the test for sand mastery, but in actuality it's quite mundane. In most cases, the Diem tests children between the ages of eight and twelve.
{{image|Sand_Mastery_Test.jpg|side=left|width=150px|Sketch of the test for sand mastery.}}
The recruit holds a handful of sand as a proctor encourages the recruit to concentrate, to feel every grain of sand they hold, to call out to it in their mind and offer it to drink of the water of their body. If the sand comes to life, the recruit becomes an acolent in the Diem, and the strength of the sand's reaction is usually a good indicator of how powerful a sand master the acolent might become.
{{image|Sand_Mastery_Example.jpg|side=right|width=150px|Sketch of the test for sand mastery.}}
Acolents who learn to control fifteen or more ribbons are watched closely and mentored by a mastrell. When an acolent has reached their full potential, meaning they stop being able to control increasingly more ribbons through the course of their development, they are allowed to petition for a rank inside the Diem. It is no surprise that those privately mentored by mastrells are usually granted that same rank.
There are no spontaneous sand masters, and only a sand master can administer the test. It's as if one has to be introduced to the power by one who already holds it, then the power itself chooses who to unlock and to what degree. This is well-documented in the Diem's records and reminds me of how Starcarved are discovered.
This knowledge makes the Kerzian massacre all the more terrifying, for if they had killed every known sand master, then theoretically, the ability would have disappeared from the sands entirely.
Occasionally, a sand master has been expelled from the Diem. Rather than allow them to leave and potentially find and train other sand masters - thus creating a rival to the Diem - these sand masters are required to be indentured to the Diem, incarcerated, or placed on strict parole. If they are considered dangerous enough, there is a proces by which the ability to master sand can be burned out of them, but as often as not, the process kills the individual.
Any sand master who goes rogue is hunted down by an elite group within the Diem, about which Kenton has been his usual tight-lipped self.
=== Sand Mastery Observations ===
A part of me is disappointed I didn't pass the test for sand mastery, but mostly I'm relieved. I'm not very likely to swear fealty to the Diem over my loyalty to Elis. (Honestly, I'd go back to Darkside whether the Lord Mastrell allowed me to or not. Then Kenton could send his secret sand masters to neutralize me. I'm a little sad to not be able to study them firsthand.)
Living temporarily in the Diem has given me a chance to observe sand masters during their daily training and practice regimens. If a supposedly weak sand master such as Kenton can create a decoy of himself out of sand, as I saw him do during one of the assassination attempts, then think of all the things sand masters are capable of if they get creative. (Now that Kenton can control more than one ribbon, I hope he doesn't loose the ingenuity only one ribbon forced upon him.)
{{image|Sand_Mastery_Observations.jpg|side=right|width=165px|Sketched examples of sand mastery in use.}}
Based on my observations, even one ribbon can do many things:
: * Launch a sand master into the air
: * Slice things like a razor
: * Propel a sand master forward
: * Create decoys from sand
: * Slip into cracks in stone and expand
: * Lift items several times heavier than the sand master
: * Throw up a protective shield
: * Deactivate other ribbons if touched head on or from the side
: * There's no end to the possibilites
{| class=wikitable style="text-align: center; width:75%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | [[File: Sand_Mastery_Theory_1.jpg|140px|center]]
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | If ribbons can be razor sharp, then can sand masters fight with living sand on their arms as whips or blades, similar to how some of the Starcarved fight?
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | [[File: Sand_Mastery_Theory_2.jpg|200px|center]]
| colspan=3 style="border: none; width:20%;" | If one ribbon can launch a sand master, many can carry them higher. Then why don't we see more of this type of thing?
| colspan=3 style="border: none; width:20%;" | [[File: Sand_Mastery_Theory_3.jpg|250px|center]]
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | [[File: Sand_Mastery_Theory_4.jpg|150px|center]]
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | If ribbons can create a decoy and be used as shields, can they also be used like this, similar to the Starcarved who are impervious to our bullets?
| colspan=2 style="border: none; width:20%;" | [[File: Sand_Mastery_Theory_5.jpg|150px|center]]
=== Overburning ===
Though Kenton has been reticent to share too much about sand mastery, there is one thing he taught me. Sand mastery is not about how many ribbons one can control. It is an art where accuracy can sometimes beat brute force.
{{image|Overburn.jpg|side=left|width=150px|Sketched example of a sand master beginning to overburn.}}
Indeed, a sand master might wield over twenty ribbons, but unless it's done with finesse and accuracy - both gained from years of arduous practice - then they're just moving large amounts of sand. This type of sand mastery doesn't last long before it exhausts the body's water supply.
If kept up for too long, an accomplished sand master under extreme duress can push themselves far beyond overmastery into what the Diem calls overburning. This comes when the sand master feeds the sand the last drops of water from their body and then gives up their lifeforce to the sand in exchange for one final explosive command.
On the other hand, one small razor-sharp ribbon is quick and focused, and only takes a trickle of water from the sand master's body.
{{image|Single_Ribbon.jpg|width=400px|Sketched example of a sand master wielding a single ribbon.}}
=== Zo'Ken ===
{{image|ZoKen.jpg|side=right|width=350px|Sketched examples of a single ribbon in Zo'Ken.}}
There is a time for brute force and there's a time for finesse. A time for the largest war hammer, and a time for the most delicate of paintbrushes. The trick is knowing when to use each. True sand mastery, then, is more about deliberate action, forming a bond with the sand and communicating with it, listening to its subtleties, and guiding it forward. Similar to teaching young children, the best results come from friendly coaxing rather than shows of force.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the sand master sport of Zo'Ken. The secret, Kenton says, is to concentrate all effort and power into one swift ribbon.
=== Energy of the Unseen Worlds ===
Kenton has made good on his part of the bargain. I am not only carrying barrels of white sand to Elis—as much of it as I can stow in the ship I've chartered—but I'm also bringing a small group of sand masters, including Drile's sister, and I pray that the results of this expedition will bear fruit against the Dynasty.
== Trivia ==
I believe the lichen that lives on the sand and makes it white in the sun can be grown, in the right conditions, on regular Darkside sand, so my cargo of so many barrels of white sand, which will have turned black by the time I return, might be overkill. So long as the ship sails in daylight, though, I will take advantage of researching and recharging the sand as much as possible, especially while I have a whole group of sand masters to work with.
{{image|Unseen_Worlds.jpg|side=right|width=200px|Sketched example of sand dune ripples forming a visage.}}
The more I study sand mastery, the more I see connections to the Starcarved of Darkside. The sun invests some kind of power into the lichen on the sand, similar to how the particulate cloud sends out a weekly pulse that invests power into our starmarks, even if only some chosen seem to be able to access that power.
Considering the connections between the two sides of our planet, I wonder if there's a corresponding curiosity on Darkside like the face I found in the pinhole image experiment. Since then, I've seen the ethereal face in the heat waves, clouds, in the eddies of water on the river, and in the ripples of sand across dunes. I'm not the only one who has experienced this. It seems this phenomenon is often documented on Dayside.
These anomalies—faces in the clouds, investiture of power, the world of the Unseen—these all pull at me like nothing else I've studied. I already have dozens of experiments planned and designs for specialized instruments to aid me in my exploration, but those notes can wait for tomorrow. Until then, I plan to remain on deck as much as possible. Soon we will enter the terminal storm, and I want to spend my remaining time on Dayside in the warmth and light of a star.
{{image|Horizon_Sun.jpg|width=600px|View of AisDa on the horizon from a ship nearing the terminal storm.}}
== Notes ==
<references />
{{White Sand}}