Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
Some of the priests are [[awakening|awakeners]] and there are some very skilled awakeners among them.{{book ref|wb|15}}
== History ==
=== The God Kings ===
After Peacegiver stopped the war he gave his [[Breath|Breaths]] to a priest in T’Telir,{{book ref|wb|58}} this priest would go on and become the first God king. With the Royals driven out, the [[Cult of the Returned]] took over and the Court of Gods was formed.{{book ref|wb|7}}
Four more children would become God kings, all of them would be called Susebron. Susebron the third died giving away his breath to save the people in a raided village{{book ref|wb|27}} while Susebron the fourth died to heal a plague of Distrentia.{{book ref|wb|27}} Eventually [[Susebron]] the fifth returned and became king.
=== Treaty with Idris ===
The Court of Gods formed a treaty with [[Idris]] in approximately the year 307, in which was written that King [[Dedelin]] of [[Idris]] would send his daughter to be married to [[Susebron]] the fifth, the God King of [[Hallandren]]. This treaty would further legitimize the Court’s claim to rule in [[Hallandren]], as an heir would have the royal blood and presumably Royal Locks (something the people of Hallandren desired).{{book ref|wb|2}}
{{image|Warbreaker Chapter 28 by CarloswkArt.jpg|side=left|width=300px}}
=== Rebellion ===
In the year 327, the Court of Gods was challenged by the [[Pahn Kahl]] rebellion. The people of Hallandren were mad at the Gods, who had become complacent and apathetic towards the needs of the people. It had been 3 years since a God had sacrificed their Divine Breath to heal someone.{{book ref|wb|12}} This rebellion was supported by [[Idris]] via their spy [[Lemex]], along with several slumlords.{{book ref|wb|31}}
The rebellion was quelled when [[Bluefingers]] informed the court of [[Vahr]]'s location, after which he was captured and tortured in one of their dungeons. He was kept alive as the court desired his breath.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} His capture and eventual death at the hands of [[Vasher]] effectively ended the rebellion.
== Notes ==
