Editing Shu-Dereth

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'''Shu-Dereth''' is a religion practiced on the [[Sel|Selish]] continent known as [[Opelon]] ([[Aonic]] term) or [[Sycla]] ([[Fjorden|Fjordell]] term).{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{glossary ref|Elantris|O}}{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}} During the events of [[Elantris (book)|''Elantris'']], it is the official religion of all nations east of the [[Atad Mountains|Dathreki mountains]]; [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] are the only nations within the “known world” that remain holdouts. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|9}}

'''Shu-Dereth''' is one of the major religions on [[Sel]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}} Shu-Dereth is an offshoot of [[Shu-Keseg]], but focuses on the equality of obedience, rather than the equality of mind. Shu-Dereth is based on the worship of [[Jaddeth]], a God who is said to slumber in the earth, waiting for a time when the whole world worships him to return and rule the world. Shu-Dereth is a highly militaristic religion, and is based on a regimented ranking, known as the '''Great Chain'''. The leader of Shu-Dereth, who acts both as Jaddeth's prophet and regent during his entrapment in the earth, takes the name [[Wyrn]] as a title upon his ascension to the position.
== Beliefs ==
The Derethi worship an unforgiving god known as [[Jaddeth]], who rules from a throne beneath the earth. The central tenet of the faith is the achievement of '''unity of all mankind under the rule of one nation'''.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

Followers of Shu-Dereth are known as Derethi, and the religion's holy book is called the Do-Dereth.
;Jaddeth’s Return
: The Derethi believe that when all men are unified under the rule of one nation, Jaddeth will rise from his slumber and return to the earth. Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, in a letter attributed to Jaddeth, calls this event the “Day of Empire.”{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

== The Great Chain ==
The Great Chain is the chain that links all living members of Shu-Dereth to Wyrn and then to Jaddeth. Masters were always called hroden, and but there were two different ways a servant could serve a master. One way was to swear to be someone's odiv, which was irrevocably binding. Krondet was a less binding oath, where one listened to the counsel of their hroden, but were not morally obligated to do what they say. In the priesthood, everyone in the Great Chain were odivs and bound to do what someone higher in the chain commanded.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
: The Derethi believe the Elantrians to be vile, blasphemous, and altogether unholy.{{book ref|Elantris|42}} Dilaf, gragdet of the Dakhor monastery, believes them to be [[Svrakiss]].{{book ref|Elantris|8}}

* At the bottom of the chain are the common people; they serve the arteths and the dorven.
* Dorven are the lowest level of the priesthood, they served the arteths and the gradors.
: The Derethi believe that the souls of men who hated Jaddeth during life become Svrakiss. The Svrakiss are considered to be evil entities barred from entrance into heaven and are said to have the power to take over the bodies of living men and control their actions.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}
* Arteths are the lowest level which may lead a chapel by themselves, they served the gradors.
* Gradors are the level of the priesthood directly above the arteths, they generally lead the chapels in the larger cities.
* Ragnets are the level directly below the gyorns, they generally oversaw a region of Derethi followers.
* [[Gyorn]]s served Wyrn directly, they were the highest available level of their priesthood other than some of the gragdets.
* Gragdets were the leaders of monasteries, they were outside of the direct chain, although some of them had positions of authority of the gyorns (The gragdet of the [[Dakhor]] monastery for example).
* [[Wyrn]] was at the head of the church, and was able to serve Jaddeth directly, the Wyrn had direct control over all members of Shu-Dereth.

Entering Derethi priests joined one of many monasteries. They each serve as religious training as well as train them for various tasks:{{book ref|Elantris|17}}{{book ref|Elantris|36}}
: Seons, as a result of their association with Elantris, are considered to be heathen magic. As such, only select Derethi who have the most faith and self-control are allowed to use seons.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

*[[Dakhor Monastery]] is a mysterious monastery with violent stories attached to it. They train the [[Dakhor]] monks
;Additional Teachings
*[[Rathbore Monastery]] trains assassins
* Jaddeth rewards ambition.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
*[[Fjeldor Monastery]] trains spies
* Jaddeth is intolerant of ignorance.{{book ref|Elantris|19}}
*Other monasteries mostly train simple warriors. One such monastery was [[Ghajan Monastery]], which [[Hrathen]] was assigned to after not being able to stand Dakhor.
* The only difference between man and animal is mankind’s ability to worship Jaddeth; beasts are only capable of serving their lusts, whereas mankind is capable of devotion to a higher purpose.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
* Service to Jaddeth is rewarded during life as well as in the afterlife.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
* Fjordell is Jaddeth's chosen tongue, and therefore is holy, and all others are tantamount to profanity.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
* Only one man – the Wyrn – serves Jaddeth directly. All others serve through a chain of command (see [[Shu-Dereth#Organization & Hierarchy|Organization & Hierarchy]] for more information).

== Religious texts and places of worship ==
Derethi scriptures are contained in the '''Do-Dereth''', though they also study the text of their parent religion, the Do-Kando of [[Shu-Keseg]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

The Derethi worship in chapels. These chapels are often made of stone, they are also tall and have towering spires. It is untraditional to mill about, laughing and joking, in a chapel.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

==Organization & Hierarchy==
The religion of Shu-Dereth is very regimented, and its structure has been compared to that of a feudal government system.{{book ref|Elantris|8}} Followers are expected to obey the commands of their superiors, and priests are expected to give orders rather than shepherd others on the path to faith.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

A formal example of this type of relationship is that of the '''odivs, krondets, and hrodens'''. Members of the Derethi priesthood can elect to become a hroden, or master, taking on one or more odivs and/or krondets. Krondet is the less restrictive form of servitude, where the krondet listens to the counsel of his hroden but is not bound to do as told. Odivs, however, must follow the orders of their hroden, essentially serving as a slave. Many choose the role of odiv in order to gain power through their connection to their hroden.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|21}}

=== Chain to Jaddeth===
{{image|Dilaf Shuravf.jpg|Dilaf, Dakhor Gragdet|side=right|width=30%}}
The Derethi believe that only one man – the Wyrn, or ruler, of Fjorden – can serve Jaddeth directly. All others serve only those in the position directly above them in the chain that links all people to Lord Jaddeth. This prevents those in the lower ranks from having to worry about commands of Jaddeth that are beyond their capacity to understand.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

* The '''Wyrn ''' of Fjorden is the only member of the church who serves Jaddeth directly.{{book ref|Elantris|12}} The Wyrn commands all followers of Shu-Dereth, and is able to consent to using what are considered "heathen magics" to further the empire, and give certain followers permission to use them as well.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
* A '''gragdet''', the leader of a monastery, is generally considered to be outside of the chain because gragdets generally don’t involve themselves in matters outside of their monastery.{{book ref|Elantris|12}} However, gragdets of the most powerful monasteries (Rathbore, Dakhor, and Fjeldor) rank above gyorn.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}{{glossary ref|Elantris|G}}
* '''Gyorn''' is the highest level of the Derethi priesthood except in cases where the gragdet of a powerful monastery elects to become active in the affairs of the church at large. The twenty gyorns{{book ref|Elantris|5}} of the Fjordell Empire are amongst the most noble in standing; kings bow to gyorns in nations where Shu-Dereth is practiced.{{book ref|Elantris|14}}{{book ref|Elantris|48}} They are known to serve as ambassadors to foreign nations, such as [[Arelon]] and the [[Rose Empire]].{{tes ref|98}} They customarily wear red ornamental armor with billowing crimson cloaks.{{book ref|elantris|5}} They are typically old, with even Hrathen, a man in his forties, being considered young for a gyorn.{{book ref|elantris|5}} As they are deeply devoted and trusted, they are trusted by the Wyrn to use [[Seon|seons]] for the purposes of communication with the Wyrn when on missions in other countries.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
* '''Ragnat''' is the rank directly below gyorn;{{book ref|Elantris|12}} they usually oversee a region of Derethi worshippers.{{glossary ref|Elantris|R}} A priest must be of at least this level to command Rathbore-trained priests without the Wyrn’s permission.{{book ref|Elantris|36}}
* '''Grador''' is the rank below ragnat;{{book ref|Elantris|12}} they generally lead chapels in large cities.{{glossary ref|Elantris|G}}
* An '''arteth''' is a full Derethi priest. This is the lowest rank of priest that can lead a chapel on his own.{{glossary ref|Elantris|A}} Many arteths can be assigned to one chapel with a “head arteth” leading them.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
* '''Dorven''' is the lowest level of Derethi priest;{{book ref|Elantris|12}} though arteths may have some authority over the dorven, they officially serve the gradors.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
* '''Common people''' reside at the bottom of the chain and serve the arteths and the dorven, becoming a part of the chain of command by swearing themselves as odiv or krondet to one of said arteths or dorven.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

=== Monasteries ===
|For centuries, the Derethi priesthood had been training its monks in war, assassination, and…other arts.
|Hrathen, reflecting on the impact Derethi monks could have on Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|15}}

Entering Derethi priests are required to join a monastery for training related to both religion and combat.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|17}} Most monasteries, like '''Ghajan''', the monastery Hrathen attended after leaving Dakhor, train simple soldiers. Others, however, provide more specialized training:{{book ref|Elantris|36}}

* The '''Fjeldor Monastery''' trains spies.{{book ref|Elantris|17}}
* The '''Rathbore Monastery''' trains assassins. {{book ref|Elantris|17}}
** Priests below the level of ragnat must acquire permission from the Wyrn prior to using Rathbore priests.{{book ref|Elantris|36}}
** Potential members may be required to kill someone before being admitted, as [[Fjon]] was required to kill Hrathen before being admitted.{{book ref|elantris|62}}
* The '''Dakhor Monastery''', also referred to as “The Order of Bone,” trains vicious warriors that Hrathen refers to as “demons.”{{book ref|Elantris|36}} Dakhor monks gain enhanced abilities, such as an increase in speed or strength, as a result of the bony patterns that grow under their skin.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}

==Origins & History==

===Split from Shu-Keseg===
Shu-Dereth developed when one of Keseg’s students, Dereth, set out from JinDo to spread Shu-Keseg’s central tenet of unity of all mankind, teaching that it should be achieved by uniting all mankind under one nation.{{book ref|Elantris|14}} These teachings were later used as the basis for a new faction of Shu-Keseg, named Shu-Dereth after its founder.{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}}

===Establishment in Fjorden===
Dereth’s ideas were originally rejected in his native [[JinDo]]; however, they were embraced by the Fjordell. Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden since the reported conversion of Wyrn [[Wulfden the First]] and has spread to all of the eastern nations.{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}} Since that time, the leader of Shu-Dereth takes the title [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]] upon his ascension, which serves as both a political and a religious title.{{glossary ref|Elantris|W}}

=== Cultural Impacts===

;Fjorden Interpretation of Dereth’s Teachings
: Upon adoption of Shu-Dereth, the Fjordell people appropriated Dereth’s teachings and twisted them to their own ends.{{wob ref|2072}} The prime example of this is the transformation of Shu-Dereth into a militaristic organization; however, other examples include:
* All are welcome within Jaddeth’s empire, but the Fjordell are most welcome.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
* Fjordell is Jaddeth’s chosen language; it is holy while others are profane.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

|Like two plants competing for the same ground, Shu-Dereth would strangle Shu-Korath.
;Holy War
: Fjorden’s militaristic society adopted Shu-Dereth as a vehicle for dominion, conquering all countries east of the Dathreki mountains an attempt to bring about the Day of Empire.{{book ref|Elantris|53}} The Derethi accomplished this through both the military might of their priests and through political sabotage.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}{{book ref|Elantris|9}}

: To this end, Wyrn sent [[Hrathen]] to convert [[Arelon]] and then [[Teod]] to Shu-Dereth; if he failed to convert the countries, Fjorden planned a genocidal slaughter of all people of [[Aonic]] descent.{{book ref|Elantris|9}} This culminated in Wyrn sending [[Dakhor]] monks to Arelon and Teod for the [[Invasion of Arelon]] and the [[Battle of Teoras]]. Both these attacks failed, however, and Arelon and Teod remain independent{{book ref|Elantris|63}}

== Trivia ==
* In the planned sequel to Elantris, Wyrn decides to reinterpret scripture to suggest that only the nations to the east of the [[Atad Mountains]] needed to be Derethi for Jaddeth to return, so it is possible that the Day of Empire will occur during the [[Elantris sequel]].{{bws ref|elantris-reading-group-questions|Elantris Reading Group Questions|date=Sep 27, 2006}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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