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'''Canticle''' is a [[Cosmere#Planets|planet]] in the [[cosmere]]. It is primarily populated with a group of [[Threnody|Threnodites]] that fled the infighting on their homeworld to take up residence elsewhere,{{book ref|tsm|15}} led by a preacher named [[Zellion (Threnody)|Zellion]].{{book ref|tsm|39}}{{wob ref|15612}} The planet is constantly barraged with intense sunlight which causes the land and atmosphere to heat to such levels that it burns and melts anything near it, going as far as vaporizing humans.{{book ref|tsm|1}}
'''Canticle''' is a [[Cosmere#Planets|planet]] in the [[cosmere]]. It is primarily populated with a group of [[Threnody|Threnodites]] that fled the squabbling caused by the Evil on their homeworld to take up residence elsewhere,{{book ref|tsm|15}} led by a preacher named [[Zellion (Threnody)|Zellion]].{{book ref|tsm|39}}{{wob ref|15612}} The planet is constantly barraged with intense sunlight which causes the land and atmosphere to heat to such levels that it burns and melts anything left within it, forcing inhabitants to constantly be on the move in large, mobile cities.{{cite}}

No Shard currently resides on the planet,{{wob ref|15602}} and there are no [[perpendicularity|perpendicularities]].{{book ref|tsm|44}}
No Shard currently resides on the planet.{{wob ref|15602}}

== Astronomy ==
== Geography ==
Canticle is around 161 km in radius, or around 0.025 cosmere standard, though it has an extremely large and dense Invested iron core. This iron core is not the sole source of the gravity, but it is its Invested nature that gives it a gravitational force of around 0.7 cosmere standard and allows it to retain [[wikipedia:Hydrostatic equilibrium|hydrostatic equilibrium]] and a planetary ring system despite its small size.{{cite}}
It is unknown if other planets exist in the same system as Canticle.

The planet is orbited by a system of rings with several divisions, these rings play an important role in reflecting sunlight at the night side of the planet, keeping it from complete darkness.{{cite}} These rings have an unknown orbital inclination, as they are not centered at the equatorial region of Canticle and have a notable angle relative to the equatorial plane.{{cite}}
=== Sun ===
Canticle orbits a singular star. This star is heavily Invested, showering the planet with a large amount of Invested light.{{book ref|tsm|1}}{{book ref|tsm|2}}{{book ref|tsm|3}} The sun's Investiture also reflects off of the planet's rings, causing the rings to emit a low level of Investiture onto the surface even on the dark sides of the planet.{{book ref|tsm|5}}{{book ref|tsm|6}} It is integral to the life-cycle of various flora and fauna across the planet,{{book ref|tsm|2}}{{book ref|tsm|3}}{{book ref|tsm|5}} to the Canticle's shifting geography, and to the production of sunhearts.{{book ref|tsm|12}}

Canticle has a retrograde spin, thus the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.{{book ref|tsm|7}} Is radial velocity is notably slow, at around 28.1 meters per second, though it has a rotational period of 10 hours.{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|32}}
== Geography and Ecology ==
Canticle is approximately 161 kilometers (100 miles) in radius, or around 0.025 cosmere standard, though it has an extremely large and dense Invested iron core. This iron core is not the sole source of the gravity, but it is its Invested nature that gives it a gravitational force of around 0.7 cosmere standard and allows it to retain [[wikipedia:Hydrostatic equilibrium|hydrostatic equilibrium]] and maintain a planetary ring system despite its small size.{{cite}}{{book ref|tsm|34}}

The geography of the planet constantly changes due to the stone melting from the intense heat produced in the atmosphere, and the radiation of its Invested core.{{cite}} This intense heat is produced by the atmosphere being unnaturally resistant to the flow of Investiture, causing it to produce large amounts of heat via [[wikipedia:Joule heating|joule heating]].{{cite}}
The Scadrians have a couple of drones or satellites in orbit, giving them access to cameras to view the planet from above ground.{{book ref|tsm|45}}

The thickness of the atmosphere thins rapidly with increasing altitude, with the end of the atmosphere being set at around one-thousand feet from the surface.{{cite}}
=== Atmosphere ===
The planet has a low scale height, thus the thickness of the atmosphere thins rapidly with increasing altitude, with the end of the inner atmosphere being set at around one-thousand feet (304.8 meters) from the surface.{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|28}} Due to this, mountains reach into outer space, and are impassible to the planet's inhabitants.

The atmosphere is unnaturally resistant to the flow of Investiture, causing it to produce these large amounts of heat via [[wikipedia:Joule heating|joule heating]].{{book ref|tsm|45}} The amount of heating is directly proportional to the amount of Investiture flowing through it, thus, the Investiture reflected off the rings on the dark (10-20 BEU/h) side causes negligible heating.{{book ref|tsm|5}}

=== Climate and Weather ===
At the line following the sunset, a storm referred to as the "great maelstrom" occurs due to great changes in pressure and humidity.{{book ref|tsm|8}} This storm is composed of cyclones of fire that sweep across the landscape.{{book ref|tsm|34}}

{{image|side=right|width=300px|Ambush by Ernanda Souza.jpg|The dark side of Canticle, depicting Canticlite Flora and Fauna, with rings visible in the sky.}}

=== Ecology ===

Gazelle-like creatures live near dawn; they are Invested in some way. Their lifecycle and how they survive the daytime heat are currently unknown.{{book ref|tsm|17}}

Plant life, fed from Invested light reflected off of the ring system, grows rapidly in the night. The amount of Investiture reflected is approximately ten or twenty [[Breath Equivalent Unit]]s (BEUs) an hour.{{book ref|tsm|5}} Humans are an important part of this ecosystem, planting seeds after the land is burned away, allowing for the plants to grow once light is reflected onto them.{{book ref|tsm|3}}{{book ref|tsm|13}}

=== Cognitive Realm ===
The Canticle subastral of the [[Cognitive Realm]] is probably violent and filled with shaking and tremors.{{wob ref|16319}}

=== Geography ===
The geography of the planet constantly changes due to the stone melting from the intense heat produced in the atmosphere; this combined with the effect of the planet's Invested core causes eruptions of magma that drastically reshape the landscape.{{book ref|tsm|12}}{{book ref|tsm|34}}{{book ref|tsm|45}} Due to the ever-changing geography, erosion doesn't have time to take place.{{book ref|tsm|12}}

A system of impassable mountains and highlands run along the equator.{{cite}}

=== Ring System ===
The planet is orbited by a system of blue and gold rings with several divisions.{{book ref|tsm|2}} These rings play an important role in reflecting sunlight at the night side of the planet, keeping it from complete darkness and helping plants to grow from reflected light and Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|2}}{{book ref|tsm|3}}{{book ref|tsm|5}} These rings have an unknown orbital inclination, as they are not centered at the equatorial region of Canticle and have a notable angle relative to the equatorial plane.{{book ref|tsm|28}}

=== Rotation ===
Canticle has a retrograde spin; thus, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.{{book ref|tsm|7}} Its radial velocity is notably slow, at around 28.1 meters per second (62.9 miles per hour), despite this, it has a rotational period of 10 standard hours, which are rendered as 20 Canticle hours.{{book ref|tsm|19}}{{book ref|tsm|32}}

== Culture ==
== Culture ==
The natives on Canticle are primarily descended from inhabitants of [[Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil]] attacked their ancestors. As such a great deal of Threnody's cultural norms persist on Canticle.{{book ref|tsm|15}}

The natives on Canticle are primarily inhabitants of [[Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil]] attacked their ancestors, as such a great deal of Threnody cultural norms persist on Canticle.{{book ref|tsm|15}} The majority of its populace lives on disparate cities scattered across the planet,{{cite}} these cities are made out of smaller ships that can link together.{{book ref|tsm|3}} These groups then live in 'corridors' that span different latitudes.{{book ref|tsm|15}} Each group in turn elects a 'lodestar' who serves as the chief navigator of the city as well as its leader.{{book ref|tsm|20}}
=== People ===
The natives on Canticle are primarily descended from inhabitants of [[Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil]] attacked their ancestors.{{book ref|tsm|15}} Many have pale skin, though nearly as many have darker skin close to that of an [[Azir|Azish]] person.{{book ref|tsm|3}} Some people, although not too many, have a variety of shades between.{{book ref|tsm|17}}

== Settlements ==
These people tell each other lots of stories, though all of them have some kind of moral.{{book ref|tsm|26}} A lot of the stories they tell involve children being eaten by shades.
The people of Canticle live on floating cities made out of many smaller ships which are capable of assembling and disassembling at will. This system was done so that the cities would be able to quickly move in order to stay out of the sun, which forbids sessility.{{book ref|tsm|3}}{{cite}}

=== Politics ===
=== List of Settlements ===
Most of the planet's cities have been conquered by the [[Cinder King]], and the ones who haven't have been forced to the poles.{{book ref|tsm|11}} The Cinder King rules via two methods. A monopoly on [[sunheart]]s and the threat of his [[Charred]]. Each city also elects a Lodestar, who functions as their Chief Navigator and leader of the city.{{book ref|tsm|20}} Below the Cinder King are other officials, but it's unknown how much power they have.{{book ref|tsm|2}}{{book ref|tsm|26}}

=== Religion ===
People on Canticle believe in [[Adonalsium]] as a deity.{{book ref|tsm|11}} They know that Adonalsium is dead and splintered into Shards.{{book ref|tsm|47}} Nonetheless they believe that everything that happens is his plan.

They believe that the planet [[Threnody]], which was once their homeland, is Hell.{{book ref|tsm|11}}

They seem to fear the sun, but also have great respect for it, calling it titles such as 'the Sky Tyrant'.{{book ref|tsm|12}} It is unknown however if this is a part of their religion or if it's simply a part of their mindset.

=== Language ===
The people on Canticle speak a language closely related to the Threnodite language.{{book ref|tsm|2}} The only known examples of this language are: 'Sess Nassith Tor' which translates roughly to 'one who escaped the sun.' and 'Kor Sess Nassith Tor' which can be presumed to mean something similar.

They also speak in a distinct and recognizable manner that seeks to avoid offence or disrespect, an example of this is 'if it pleases you to be disagreed with' instead of simply 'I disagree'.{{book ref|tsm|8}}

People in the far northern corridors speak with an accent that purportedly makes those outside of their corridor need to concentrate to understand it.{{book ref|tsm|8}}

Names, like back on [[Threnody]], are often related to an emotion, virtue, or even a concept, some examples are: Zeal, Confidence, Divinity.{{book ref|tsm|7}}

=== Clothing ===
The people wear a wide variety of clothes. Officials are often seen wearing high collars that reach all the way to the chin, they also wear gloves.{{book ref|tsm|1}} Most people are swathed in clothing and lots of them wear gloves. Some officials from Union wear formal white coats, with open fronts and insignias on the shoulders.{{book ref|tsm|2}} The civilians wear mostly muted colors. Some women wear skirts, though many prefer long, skirtlike jackets, their fronts open to reveal trousers underneath. Many men and women wear hats with wide brims.{{book ref|tsm|1}}{{book ref|tsm|2}}

=== Cities and Ships ===
As Canticle's Sun kills anyone who touches its light, the people have to constantly keep running from it.{{book ref|tsm|1}}{{book ref|tsm|2}} To do this, they live in large flying cities, each located in a different 'corridor' (latitude).{{book ref|tsm|15}} There are approximately 50 communities on Canticle each flying in parallel corridors.{{book ref|tsm|15}} The largest city is Union, which has absorbed all other cities of significance or size and has de facto control over nearly every inhabitable corridor on the planet.{{book ref|tsm|12}} The cities are in turn made out off smaller ships, which can link together.{{book ref|tsm|3}} They have many different kinds of ships. Special types include [[Hovercycle|hovercycles]], farming ships, a type of ship made for sowing and harvesting crops, and prospectors, which are capable of finding [[sunheart]]s.{{book ref|tsm|23}}{{book ref|tsm|3}}{{book ref|tsm|12}} The people on Canticle also have access to hoverbikes.{{book ref|tsm|7}} [[Union]] also has some sort of Arena, although it's unknown if this is a regular thing among these cities.{{book ref|tsm|6}} All ships are powered by sunhearts.{{book ref|tsm|11}}

Present day, most cities of significant sizes have been incorporated into [[Union]] although a number of small towns remain. There are as much as fifty cities on the planet.{{book ref|tsm|15}}

Beaconites in particular prefer lights that have a relatively low brightness.{{book ref|tsm|34}}

=== Food ===
The people from Canticle grow crops in the area just in front of dawn, where a small portion of light is reflected to the ground by giant rings around the planet. This technique allows them to harvest every day, requiring only seeds and water.{{book ref|tsm|3}}

They also hunt animals; but their food appears to be rather bland and lacking in spice.{{cite}}

== History ==
At some point, a very powerful being created and Invested Canticle and its sun, for a very specific purpose.{{wob ref|16261}}

Some time after the [[Evil]] arrived, a group of Threnodites led by Zellion came to the system, pushed out by infighting amongst their people. They devised the flying Cities. Later, these people died and become the first of the [[Chorus]].{{book ref|tsm|39}}

At some point, the [[Cinder King]] found a sick [[Thaylenah|Thaylen]] [[worldhopper]].{{book ref|tsm|16}} The Cinder King killed him, fearing that he was a demon. The Cinder King then read his books and learned about the wider cosmere. After this he began killing and conquering all the other cities, with the goal of uniting the planet and having all people live in his capital city.

Either shortly before his conquest, or during it, the Cinder King found the Scadrian Research Center and began trading with its scientists.{{book ref|tsm|44}} He gave them some people, from whom the Scadrians drew out heat to experiment with. In return they gave him small tidbits of information, such as how to corrupt a sunheart and make the Charred.{{book ref|tsm|45}}

== List of Known Settlements ==
* [[Beacon]]
* [[Beacon]]
* [[Union]]
* [[Union]]

== Manifestations of Investiture ==
Investiture is relatively commonplace on Canticle. The sunlight is Invested, and the planet's core is also densely Invested.{{book ref|tsm|34}}{{book ref|tsm|45}} The core tries to feed on any Investiture it can, but generally can't take it from people.{{book ref|tsm|34}} When people are placed between the sunlight and the planetary core, the sunlight burns the bodies into [[sunheart|sunhearts]], while the Investiture from their bodies is "carried" along with the sun's Investure to the core. The sunhearts are then charged with excess Investiture produced by the process of Invested joule heating.{{book ref|tsm|45}}

A lot of technology, including the floating cities, is powered by sunhearts. These Invested 'hearts' are made by people who perished in the Invested sunlight while in the direct path between the sun and the planet. Sunhearts can be recharged.{{book ref|tsm|45}} Recently the [[Cinder King]] was taught how to use the local investiture to make [[Charred]] by Scadrian researchers on the planet.{{book ref|tsm|45}}

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
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