Editing BioChromatic Breath

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'''BioChromatic Breath''', also known simply as '''Breath''', is the power of life on [[Nalthis]]. Every living being is born with a certain BioChromatic Investiture.<ref>{{bref|wb|c|46|.}}</ref><ref>{{bref|wb|a|46|.}}</ref> Humans are able to use their Breath to perform [[Awakening]] as well as gaining benefits from having more than one Breath.
|related=[[Awakening]], [[Endowment]]
|books=[[Warbreaker]], [[The Stormlight Archive]]

==BioChroma and Awakening==
'''BioChromatic Breath''', also known simply as '''Breath''', is the common form of Investiture on [[Nalthis]].
[[Awakening]] is the process by which an Awakener uses his stored BioChromatic Breath to animate an object. To do so, he issues a [[Command]] in his native tongue while visualizing the action he wants the object to complete. The Commands are the key part of Awakening, and the skill of an Awakener depends on his ability to use Commands correctly.

The process causes some portion of the Awakener's stored Breath to exit his body and become invested in the Awakened object. Depending on the object, it may require any where from one to one thousand (or more) Breaths. Furthermore, color is drained from nearby objects as fuel for the Awakening process. This can manifest, for example, as a red scarf being bleached grey. The Breaths can be recovered from the Awakened object (in some cases), but the color drain is permanent.
Every Nalthian is born with one Breath, though a person may choose to transfer that Breath to another person.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} It is possible for children of Nalthian parents with Breath born away from Nalthis to have their own Breath.{{wob ref|12603}} When a person dies, the Breath they were carrying returns to [[Endowment]] and leaves with their soul.{{wob ref|8658}}{{wob ref|10998}} Humans are able to use their Breath to perform [[Awakening]] as well as gaining benefits from having one or more Breaths.

Breaths vary in strength, and tend to weaken when the person is sick.{{book ref|wb|14}} The fluctuation of strength for a Breath is normally not very noticeable, particularly when someone has many Breaths.{{wob ref|2751}} The more Breaths a person has, the more they will heighten colors around them and the further their area of effect is.{{book ref|wb|14}} It is possible to hide this effect.{{wob ref|3437}} Having enough Breath will interact strangely with color-blindness and synesthesia.{{wob ref|12664}}{{wob ref|7101}}{{wob ref|11143}}

When a person dies, they may have their Breath pulse, sending out a wave of heightened color.{{book ref|wb|10}} This flare of brightness during death is rare.{{book ref|wb|21}} A person may also be able to forcefully flare color around them.{{book ref|wb|12}}

Breath, through an unknown method, can have memories encoded into it.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{wob ref|15862}} Excising the Breaths in which memory is stored will lead to the loss of said memories.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{wob ref|15862}}

Breaths are not inherently connected to Nalthis since they are freely given gifts, thus they do not limit [[worldhopping]].{{wob ref|14226}}

Breaths can be forcibly transferred by Shards, but doing so would leave them vulnerable, and there would still be some [[Connection]] between the original owner and the Breath.{{wob ref|16491}}

Awakening is the process by which an Awakener uses their stored BioChromatic Breath to animate an object. To do so, they issue a [[Command]] in their native tongue while visualizing the action they want the object to complete.{{book ref|wb|46}} The Commands are the key part of Awakening, and the skill of an Awakener depends on their ability to use Commands correctly.

The process causes some portion of the Awakener's stored Breath to exit their body and become Invested in the Awakened object. Depending on the object, it may require any where from one to one thousand (or more) Breaths. Furthermore, color is drained from nearby objects as fuel for the Awakening process. This can manifest, for example, as a red scarf being bleached grey. Though the color drain is permanent, this magic is still considered end-neutral since the Breaths can be recovered from the Awakened object (in most cases).{{wob ref|3872}}{{book ref|wb|prologue}}

While anyone can benefit from possessing a Breath, a non-Nalthian possessor would 'probably have to jump through some hoops to Awaken' with it.{{wob ref|2877}}

It is impossible to reabsorb Breaths from an object Awakened by somebody else, unless they blank their [[Identity]] first with Intent.{{wob ref|14423}} This is likely due to the imprint of the Awakener's soul being left in the breath that awakens the object, since breath is a part of one's soul.{{wob ref|6806}}

== Types of BioChromatic entities ==
[[Vasher]] categorizes BioChromatic entities into four Types.{{book ref|wb|46}} At some point between the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]] and the [[True Desolation]], Vasher had to change the system. He refers to [[spren]] as Type One Invested entities and describes them as power that came alive on its own. He adds that what he used to consider Type I are now considered Type II. It's not clear if other adjustments are made to his system.{{book ref|sa4|15}}

==Types of BioChromatic entities==
===Type I===
===Type I===
'''Type I BioChromatic Entities''' or '''Spontaneous Sentient BioChromatic Manifestations in a Deceased Host''', later referred to as '''Type II Invested Entities''',{{book ref|sa4|15}} are a type of BioChromatic entity. The term refers to those that retain sentience after being Returned (by [[Endowment]], in the case of the Returned) following death, and are endowed with Investiture, such as divine Breath.{{book ref|sa4|15}} Returned are able to Awaken normally using any Breaths on top of their divine Breath,{{book ref|wb|55}} but giving away the divine Breath results in death.
Spontaneous Sentient BioChromatic Manifestations in a Deceased Host, also known as the [[Returned]], are the only known natural BioChromatic entity. They retain sentience after being Returned (by [[Endowment]]) following death, and are endowed with a divine Breath. Returned are able to Awaken normally using any Breaths on top of their divine Breath, but giving away the divine Breath results in death.

The '''divine Breath''', a single powerful Breath that grants the powers of the first five Heightenings, is a [[Splinter]] of [[Endowment]].{{wob ref|4486}} Giving away the divine Breath to another person will instantly heal that person, at the cost of the life of the Returned.{{wob ref|6724}} Divine Breaths cannot be transferred like normal Breaths as they immediately become kinetic Investiture when used.{{wob ref|11165}}
The '''divine Breath''', a single powerful Breath that grants the powers of the first five Heightenings, is a [[Splinter]] of [[Endowment]]. Giving away the divine Breath to another person will instantly heal that person, at the cost of the life of the Returned.<ref>{{bref|wb|a|12|.}}</ref>

'''Type I Invested Entities''' later came to define [[Spren]], Investiture which developed sentience on its own.{{book ref|sa4|15}}

===Type II===
===Type II===
'''Type II BioChromatic entities''' are '''Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host''', or more commonly known as "'''Lifeless'''", and are non-sentient reanimated animal remains. They have a functioning brain, and are able to interpret old Commands and have new Commands given. These creatures are made via complex Commands that reanimate a dead person or animal. These Commands are guarded closely by those who know them.
Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host, also known as the [[Lifeless]], are non-sentient reanimated human remains. They have a functioning brain, and are able to interpret old Commands and have new Commands given.

Type II entities are cheap to make, even with awkward Commands (used to cost 50 breaths before the Manywar). This is due to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism. However, Breath sticks so firmly to the construct that it is impossible to remove afterwards.
Type II entities are cheap to make, even with awkward Commands. This is due to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism. However, Breath sticks so firmly to the construct that it is impossible to remove afterwards. They are able to be Awakened using a single Breath using the right Command, the knowledge of which was a contributing factor to the [[Manywar]]. [[Ichor-alcohol]] can also replace the blood of the remains to make the Awakening process easier.
Once a Lifeless is created, it will obey any instructions given to it that include a pre-determined '''Command Phrase'''(similar to a password). Human Lifeless are able to understand more abstract instructions than animal Lifeless. However, the skill of the [[Awakener]] who Awakens the Lifeless also affects its ability. Any Lifeless will retain a level of skill that it had in life. For example, a soldier's corpse would make a better soldier Lifeless than that of a farmer's.

===Type III===
The Lifeless can function for a long time if cared for and repaired. Lifeless can withstand otherwise mortal wounds, but too much damage will eventually cause the Lifeless to cease activity, which means that Lifeless bodies need to be maintained and repaired (e.g. by sewing its wounds shut) when needed, otherwise they are going to need a new Breath. One innovation in Lifeless maintenance is the use of [[ichor-alcohol]], a substance discovered by [[Yesteel]] that could act as blood for Lifeless and that greatly prolongs their viability.
The process generally thought of as [[Awakening]] creates Type III entities, a BioChromatic manifestation in an organic host far removed from being alive. Examples include Awakened ropes, cloth, or skeletal remains.

Type III objects can take a great deal of Breaths, often over one hundred, to create. However, since the object being Awakened is far from being alive, the Breath can be recovered afterwards. For this reason, much more is known about the Commands to Awaken Type III entities.
Lifeless created from bones encased in stone have the advantage of being extremely resilient and not needing [[ichor-alcohol]]. It is also possible to make stone Lifeless by transforming a dead body to stone (e.g. via [[Soulcasting]]) before Awakening it.{{wob ref|2781}}

Someone who has reached the Ninth Heightening is able to Awaken things like stone or steel, which were never alive.<ref>{{bref|wb|c|51|.}}</ref> Such Awakenings require enormous amounts of Breath.<ref>{{bref|wb|Ars| |.}}</ref>
The discovery of how to create Lifeless with just a single Breath eventually led to the Lifeless armies of the [[Manywar]]. One example of a single-Breath Lifeless Command is, "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word".{{book ref|wb|21}}

'''Type II Invested Entity''' later came to describe [[Cognitive Shadow]]s.{{book ref|sa4|15}}

===Type III===
The process generally thought of as [[Awakening]] creates '''Type III entities''', a BioChromatic manifestation in an organic host far removed from being alive. Examples include Awakened ropes, cloth, or skeletal remains.

They are between the two extremes of inorganic objects and dead bodies. Therefore, these have the advantage of requiring less Breath (still more than corpses, often over one hundred) to Awaken than inorganic objects while at the same time allowing for Breath recovery. They have the strength to easily strangle people. The more it resembled living beings, the easier it is to be Awakened, so a skilled Awakener would prepare human-shaped and organic clothes for Awakening purposes. When Awakened, it tends to mimic living things, forming muscle-like structures or the shape of hands. They are understandably the most common type of BioChromatic host entities created. However, other types of BioChromatic hosts are generally more powerful.

===Type IV===
===Type IV===
Type IV entities are Awakened objects with sentience. The only known such object, [[Nightblood]], required [[Shashara]] to be at the Ninth Heightening and to expend one thousand Breaths. No other research into Type IV entities has been conducted.
'''Type IV BioChromatic entities''' are sentient objects made by Awakening inorganic materials like metal and stone. This requires at least the [[Heightening#Ninth_Heightening|Ninth Heightening]]. [[Nightblood]], a sentient Awakened sword, is an example of this type of entity. He was created by [[Shashara]] with the help of her husband [[Talaxin]], also known as Vasher, using a thousand Breaths and the Command "Destroy evil".{{book ref|wb|51}}

Nightblood is incapable of determining morality{{wob ref|3023}} and has a rigid way of thinking similar to a [[spren]] on Roshar.{{wob ref|7257}} The large number of Breaths he contains also grants him incredible destructive power. The threat of more weapons like Nightblood being created eventually caused Talaxin to kill Shashara to prevent the knowledge of this form of Awakening from becoming public.

Stone is presumed to be similarly difficult to Awaken. However, Lifeless can be made by enclosing bones in stone, making near-indestructible warriors. [[Talaxin]] used this technique to create the legendary [[Kalad's Phantoms]].

[[Vivenna's Blade]] might also be a Type IV entity, though it has not been confirmed.

==BioChromatic Laws==
==BioChromatic Laws==
===Law of BioChromatic Parallelism===
===Law of BioChromatic Parallelism===
''The closer a host is to a living shape and form, the easier it is to Awaken.''{{book ref|wb|46}}
''The closer a host is to a living shape and form, the easier it is to Awaken.''

This is easily understood since BioChroma is the power of life, and seeks patterns of life.
This is easily understood since BioChroma is the power of life, and seeks patterns of life.

===Law of Comparability===
===Law of Comparability===
''The amount of Breath required to Awaken something isn't necessarily indicative of its power once Awakened.''{{book ref|wb|46}}
''The amount of Breath required to Awaken something isn't necessarily indicative of its power once Awakened.''

A good example is that a piece of cloth cut into a square and a piece of cloth cut into the shape of a man take very different amounts of Breath to Awaken, but will serve essentially the same function once Awakened.
A good example is that a piece of cloth cut into a square and a piece of cloth cut into the shape of a man take very different amounts of Breath to Awaken, but will serve essentially the same function once Awakened.

==Collecting Breath==
==Collecting Breath==
In order to achieve the most interesting and extravagant Awakening, more than one Breath is required. Since each person is born with a single Breath, an Awakener must collect Breaths from other individuals. The method by which this is done is itself a type of Awakening, using the Command "My life to yours, my Breath become yours." The person imparting the Breaths must be in physical contact with the recipient.
{{image|Vivenna receives her breaths by Jessica Liu.webp|side=right|width=300px|[[Lemex]] transferring his Breaths to [[Vivenna]]}}

As a person gains more Breaths, they are granted certain properties. These [[Heightening]]s, as they are known, are markers along a continuous scale of Breath. As a person gains more Breath, they are more resistant to disease (for example), but at approximately 2,000 Breaths this reaches a maximum and they are immune to most diseases.
In order to achieve the most interesting and extravagant Awakening, more than one Breath is required. Since each person is born with a single Breath, an Awakener must collect Breaths from other individuals.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} The method by which this is done is itself a type of Awakening, using the Command "My life to yours, my Breath become yours." The person imparting the Breaths must be in physical contact with the recipient.

As a person gains more Breaths, they are granted certain properties. These [[Heightening]]s, as they are known, are markers along a continuous scale of Breath. As a person gains more Breath, they are more resistant to disease (for example), but at approximately 2,000 Breaths this reaches a maximum and they are immune to most diseases.{{book ref|wb|32}} If a person was sick before receiving a large amount of Breaths, they will quickly be cured.{{book ref|wb|43}} The number of Breaths for each Heightening are approximate.{{book ref|wb|part=ars}} Depending on the quality of Breath, it may take fewer Breaths to realize a Heightening. Furthermore, very little is known about the upper Heightenings (above the Sixth). Very few individuals amass such a store of Breath.
The number of Breaths for each Heightening are approximate. Depending on the quality of Breath, it may take fewer Breaths to realize a Heightening. Furthermore, very little is known about the upper Heightenings (above the Sixth). Very few individuals amass such a store of Breath.

If a person gains a large amount of Breaths at once, they will feel a sudden burst of pleasure and shock.{{book ref|wb|57}} This typically causes people to collapse to the ground, quivering.{{book ref|wb|10}} This will not occur if the person recently had a large amount of Breaths.{{book ref|wb|43}}
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If enough Breaths are collected, they can start to affect the personality of the person holding them. "Breaths do bring some things along with them," but they are not "terribly individual" depending on their original owner.{{wob ref|4631}} For example, [[Vahr]]'s resolve was strengthened because of the similar mindsets of those he collected his Breaths from, but the effect only manifested due to the large amount of Breaths he had.{{wob ref|4633}}

{| class="infobox" width=80% align=center
|- class=title
! Heightening number
! Heightening number
! Approximate number of Breaths to reach this Heightening
! Approximate number of Breaths to reach this Heightening
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| Ninth Heightening
| Ninth Heightening
| 20,000
| 20,000
| [[Heightening#Ninth Heightening|Greater Awakening<br/>Audible Command]]
| [[Heightening#Ninth Heightening|Greater Awakening<br>Audible Command]]
| Tenth Heightening
| Tenth Heightening
| 50,000
| 50,000
| [[Heightening#Tenth Heightening|Color Distortion<br/>Perfect Invocation<br/>???]]
| [[Heightening#Tenth Heightening|Color Distorion<br>Perfect Invocation<br>???]]

A human without a single Breath is known as a '''Drab'''. Without Breath, colors lose their vibrancy and they are more prone to depression and sickness. The latter stems from the fact that Breath acts as a sort of magical booster for the immune system, and thus the body doesn't need to build up immunity.<ref>{{bref|wb|a|41|.}}</ref><ref>{{bref|wb|a|43|.}}</ref>
'''Drab''' is the colloquial name for anyone in [[Hallandren]] without a BioChromatic [[Breath]]. Terms such as '''Dull''' or '''Faded One''' are also used.{{book ref|wb|3}}

Without Breath, colors lose their vibrancy and their other senses are dulled. Contrary to what many people believe in [[Hallandren]],{{book ref|wb|3}} being without a breath has significant negative effects. They feel less emotion and are more susceptible to depression. A person's allure decreases, as does the strength of their immune system. The latter stems from the fact that Breath acts as a sort of magical booster for the body, and thus the body doesn't need to build up immunity.{{wob ref|7329}}{{wob ref|7340}} Due to these facts, they typically have a shorter lifespan. Drabs lack life sense (the instinctive feeling to know if someone is watching them) and do not register on the life sense of others.{{book ref|wb|35}} A Drab is also incapable of Returning.{{wob ref|10032}}

Many people sell their Breaths when they are short of cash, then spend their time trying to earn enough money to buy back a [[Breath]]. However, some people who gave their [[Breath]] to a [[Returned]] out of their beliefs cherish their status as a Drab.

If someone is made into a [[Lifeless]] before [[Endowment]] [[Returned]] that person, Endowment's gift of a divine [[Breath]] would come down, strike the Lifeless, and 'all kinds of craziness' would occur. They would end up as a 'Drab god'.{{wob ref|1138}}

== Breath Equivalent Units ==
The '''[[Breath Equivalent Unit]]''' ('''BEU''') is a unit of measurement for Investiture based on BioChromatic Breath.{{book ref|tsm|13}}{{wob ref|9685}}{{wob ref|15777}}

Even on highly Invested worlds, a person’s soul typically isn’t more than three BEUs.{{book ref|tsm|24}} A normal Threnodite from [[Canticle]] has only one BEU.{{book ref|tsm|23}} A sunheart made from a Threnodite on Canticle generally contains at least two hundred BEUs.{{book ref|tsm|24}}

* Breath is specifically named BioChromatic Breath due to some of the [[Five Scholars]] having visited other more advanced worlds that had a more scientific approach to the study of Investiture.{{wob ref|1804}}
* A person from another [[Cosmere#Planets|planet]] in the cosmere would have more Innate Investiture than a Drab, but less than someone with one Breath.{{wob ref|182}}

== Notes ==
[[category: Awakening]]
[[category: magic]]
[[Category: Splinters]]
[[es:Aliento biocromático]]

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