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She has the appearance of a nineteen year old young woman, with light skin and dark hair which comes down to her waist.
She is fully devoted to her job and what is expected of her, accepting everything without question. This faith ultimately left her utterly distraught upon learning that it was merely traditionalism, instead of the explicit will of the hijo. Though she eventually did come to question why she is so devoted, and if she could possibly do something more with her life, though she hates herself for the thought.{{book ref|yumi|2}}{{book ref|yumi|4}}
She is rather prudish with the display of her skin and form, preferring to dress in clothing that hid her form and covered any skin. Her strictness with this began to relax as she allowed herself to express herself more.{{book ref|yumi|15}}
She has a deep hatred for lies, and sees them as bad in all circumstances, deeply judging those who partake in such untruths.{{book ref|yumi|11}} This comes from her being taught over her whole life about the evils of lying.
She is potentially bisexual, consistently describing how attractive [[Akane]] is, and even gasped in awe when first meeting her, likening her to a goddess.{{book ref|yumi|11}} She also shows a focus on her figure and on that of [[Design]].{{book ref|yumi|11}} However, this is not explicitly confirmed.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
