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== History ==
She was born under a falling star, which was seen as an omen of her powers as a yoki-hijo and thus she was taken from her parents and raised as one her whole life{{book ref|yumi|2}}, and eventually became renowned for her abilities. This, however, was until the [[father machine]] was activated in an attempt to replace the position, as it was perceived as more efficient. The activation was a disaster however, and nearly everyone on the planet had their souls consumed by the machine, with her being one of the only survivors.
The machine, threatened by her, decided to hide her away in a simulation of her former life, hidden away in the [[shroud]], in order to keep her complacent. At the end of every day, she would have her memory of the day erased, so that she would live through it again. This happened for one-thousand seven-hundred and sixty-three years,{{book ref|yumi|38}} until one day her ritual reached its apex, summoning 37thirty-seven hijo at once, and managed to pull one spirit from the grasp of the machine.{{book ref|yumi|2}}{{book ref|yumi|39}}
This spirit begged her to save them, but did little else until it followed Liyun, as a nightmare, into [[Kilahito]], where it found Painter and [[Connection|Connected]] them, in an attempt to protect her from having her memories erased. This worked, but had the unintended consequence of making them switch bodies, with Painter waking up in her body, and her waking up without a physical form.{{book ref|yumi|40}} This was not an intentional side-effect, but simply a consequence of messing with Connection.{{book ref|yumi|40}}
Upon her soul going into Painter's body, her high levels of Investiture caused the body to quickly morph to match her Cognitive Aspect, causing it to match her own body.{{book ref|yumi|11}}{{book ref|yumi|17}} She was not aware of this at first, believing it was an instance similar to Painter in her body, wherein they simply saw themselves as themselves, while everyone who saw them saw the other. This was proven wrong when she answered the door to Foreman [[Sukishi]], and he reacted with shock seeing a woman in Painter's room. Under Painter's direction, she informed him that he was sick, and of the stable [[nightmare]] he found before his first switch.{{book ref|yumi|11}}
Shortly after the foreman left, Akane left her room and she was taken in by her beauty. Shortly after seeing her, Akane saw her and asked if she was a friend of Painter. She lied, via the urging of Painter, that she was his sister, which Akane instantly bought.{{book ref|yumi|11}} Their conversation began cordially until she misunderstood her relationship to Painter, assuming her one of his concubines, a misunderstanding she quickly corrected.{{book ref|yumi|11}} This correction led her to question what Painter has been telling her, causing her to confront him on if he was telling lies. His confirmation of her suspicions caused her to have a panic attack.{{book ref|yumi|11}}
== Notes ==
