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Wyndle helps Lift get into the Grand Indicium, where she wanted him to read everything to find “weird” events. He explained there wasn’t enough time, so she went to steal some fancy clothes.{{book ref|Edgedancer|12}} He took the form of a word she copied and showed to the scribes of the place who then wrote to Gawx and received his request to treat Lift with respect and do as she asked. {{book ref|Edgedancer|13}}Though she was unable to find anyting useful, she does find one of Nale’s allies and follows them. Wyndle himself offers to spy on them and finds out they are about to go and perform the execution. {book ref|Edgedancer|16}}
When Lift confronts Nale, she speaks the words of her next ideal and transforms Wyndle into a weapon, which was just a silvery rod, that was enough to block a strike and she uses that time to convince him that the desolation has returned. {{book ref|Edgedancer|19}}
== Notes ==