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|Wayne to Harmony{{book ref|mb7|74}}
After his death, Wayne briefly spoke with Harmony before passing into the [[Beyond]]. He rejoiced in his victory, happy to have saved the world. HeAfter asking Harmony if MeeLan was telling the truth with her parting complement, Wayne asked Harmony if he made the biggest explosion that a person ever made, which Harmony confirms as correct. Satisfied, Wayne passed into the Beyond.{{book ref|mb7|74}} Wayne had various things put in his will, which were carried out after his death. He granted a large sum of money to both Ranette and Allriandre{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 5}}{{book ref|mb7|3}}, left his lucky hat to Marasi, and arranged for a variety of random objects to be discreetly delivered to Wax over time (one example of this is a stuffed frog being delivered to Wax two years after Wayne’s death).{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 7}} Two years after his death, a bronze statue was made of him and placed in the Field of Rebirth to honor his memory.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 7}}
== Relationships ==