Difference between revisions of "Warbreaker"

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;[[Lightsong]]: Lightsong is the Returned god of bravery in the Hallandren court of gods. He has no memory of his life before being Returned, and his only connection to his past life is through [[Llarimar]], his servant, who is forbidden from speaking of it. Because he is skeptical of the idea the he is a god and he wishes to stop the people of Hallandren from putting their faith in him, he acts outwardly foolish. This, however, does not seem to have an affect on how people view him, as they claim he must have died incredibly bravely to be returned. He is friends(or possibly more than friends) with the goddess [[Blushweaver]], and eventually they end up working together.
;[[Vasher]]: We don't know very much about Vasher until the end of the book, when we discover that he is one of the [[Five_Scholars|Five Scholars]] of Nalthis. He is presented as the villain until the middle of the book, when it is revealed that he is working against a war between Idris and Hallandren. He is quiet and unwilling to talk about his past, but there is something about him which makes Vivenna trust him. He is in possession of the sword [[Nightblood]], as well as large amounts of BioChromatic Breath.